• World Harmony Run

    World's Largest Torch Relay
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  • Dreaming of a more harmonious world

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    Dreaming of Harmony

  • Schools And Kids

    Make a Wish for Peace
    Schools And Kids

  • Sri Chinmoy: World Harmony Run Founder

    World Harmony Run Founder
    Sri Chinmoy

  • Carl Lewis: World Harmony Run Spokesman

    World Harmony Run Spokesman
    Carl Lewis

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    The All Blacks
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Bosnia 24 September: Sarajevo

We visited the eternal flame on Marshal Tito street. This memorial, which serves to inspire oneness and brotherhood, survived all the troubles in Sarajevo, intact.

Posetili smo večni plamen u Ulici maršala Tita. Ovo obeležje namenjeno je da nas inspiriše na osećaj jedinstva i bratstva. Tokom svih burnih zbivanja koja su se dešavala u Sarajevu ostao je netaknut.

As we approached our first school, a small group of children from the school, the"Aleksa Šantić School", met us and ran with us.

Dok smo se približavali prvoj od škola, susrela nas je grupa dece iz škole "Aleksa Šantić", koja je trčala sa nama.

Entering the school, we were greeted by  children waving paper peace doves, and many smiling faces.

Kad smo ušli u školu, susrela nas je grupa dece koja je mahala papirnim golubovima, simbolima mira, i mnogo nasmejanih lica.

The children were eager to get their hands on the torch, but did this in a very orderly fashion.

They also sang a song and read some poems on the subject of Harmony.

Deca su jedva čekala da uzmu baklju u ruke. Takođe su otpevala jednu pesmu koja govori o hramoniji i pročitali nekoliko poema na istu temu.

The children seemed quite genuinely moved by the torch and all that it represents.

Deca su bila iskreno dirnuta Bakljom i njenom simbolikom.

They enjoyed participating in the World Harmony Run team's country game; we enjoyed their smiling faces.

Ona su uživala što su uzela učešća u timskom projektu Trke harmonije sveta. Mi smo uživali u njihovim nasmejanim licima.

After the indoor activities, we were invited outside to see a performance of two traditional dances, which we really enjoyed.

Nakon programa unutra, pozvali su nas napolje da pogledamo njihovo izvođenje nekoliko narodnih igara, u čemu smo zaista uživali.

The performers too, got an opportunity to hold the torch.

Izvođači su takođe imali priliku da prihvate Baklju.

Finally, of course, the children got the chance to run with the torch. The Run began with the principal running in his suit and street shoes.

Na kraju su, naravno, i deca dobila priliku da trče sa Bakljoom, Trka je počela tako što je direktor poneo Baklju i trčao u odelu i sa cipelama.

Bright and shining faces told the story of the first school.

Vedra i nasmejana lica bila su poruka te prve škole.

Earlier, Pedja and Chanakhya visited the National Radio studio, to record a piece on the Harmony Run to be broadcast the following evening.

Pre toga su Peđa i Čanakja posetili sarajevski radio gde je snimljena emisija o Trci harmonije koja je bila emitovana naredne večeri.

We also visited the street corner on which Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated, the event which led to the outbreak of the first world war. There is of course a museum there now...

Posetili smo takođe i ugao gde je ubijen nadvojvoda Ferdinand što je dovelo do početka Prvog svetskog rata. Sada je tu, naravno, muzej.

There are many opportunities to sample local foods; here it is baclava, a traditional sweet.

Ima mnogo prilika da se probaju domaći specijaliteti. Ovo je, naravno, baklava.

...and Amur, one of our local coordinators, points out one of the more savoury dishes...

... a Amur, jedan od ovdašnjih koordinatora, pokazao nam je slana jela...

...street life in Sarajevo...
...ulični život u Sarajevo...

On occasion, some of the international runners get caught in awkward situations; in this case, one of the team accidentally locked himself in and needed to call for backup.

Povremeno bi se neki od članova internacionalnog tima našli u nekim smešnim situacijama. U ovom slučaju, jedan član tima se slučajno zaključao i morao je da nas zove da ga izbavimo.

A local scholar made friends with two members of the international team.

Domaći učenjak se sprijateljio sa dva člana našeg tima.

A typical store in the old Turkish part of Sarajevo...

Tipična radnja u delu Sarajeva koji je u turskom maniru...

In the afternoon we visited the "Sveti Sava School". The children seemed to have boundless energy!

Po podne smo posetili školu "Sveti Sava". Deca su imala bezgraničnu energiju!

Once again, the children were eager to get their hands on the torch. They also ran quite a lot with the torch, when given the opportunity.

I opet su deca jedva čekala da uhvate baklju u tuke. Takođe su i dugo trčali sa bakljom kad im se ukazala prilika.

Kids from the school ran with us for quite a distance...

Deca iz škole su nas dugo pratila...

Today's run ended with a visit to the tallest building in Bosnia. The AVAZ Tower was just recently completed and houses the National Newspaper, who interviewed a few of the runners.

Trka se tog dana završila posetom najvišoj zgradi u Bosni. Soliter "Avaza" je nedavno završen i tu je sedište nacionalnih novina, koje su intervjuisale nekoliko trkača.

There is an observation deck on the 35th floor, from which you can see the whole city of Sarajevo.

Special thanks to our local organisers for the good time we had in Sarajevo!

Ovo je terasa na 35 spratu sa koje možete da vidite celo Sarajevo. Srdačo se zahvaljujemo lokalnim organizatorima na divnom programu koji smo imali u Sarajevu!

– Chanakhya

Distance: 13 km

Team Members:
Dipavajan Renner (Austria), Chanakhya Jakovic (UK), Pedja Knesevic (Croatia), Milan Bogar (Slovenia), Dejan Kakonji (Hungary), Dejan Kljaic (Bosnia i Hercegovina), Amur Basic (Czech Republic), Nenad Stajic (Macedonia)

You can send a message to the runners or read the messages.

< Germany 18 September
Serbia 25 September >