• World Harmony Run

    World's Largest Torch Relay
    World Harmony Run

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    1,000,000 Participants

  • Dreaming of a more harmonious world

    100 countries
    Dreaming of Harmony

  • Schools And Kids

    Make a Wish for Peace
    Schools And Kids

  • Sri Chinmoy: World Harmony Run Founder

    World Harmony Run Founder
    Sri Chinmoy

  • Carl Lewis: World Harmony Run Spokesman

    World Harmony Run Spokesman
    Carl Lewis

  • New York, USA

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    15,000 kms, 100 days
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    14 Days, 1500km
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    Lake Biwa

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    Pangkor Island

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  • The All Blacks, New Zealand

    The All Blacks
    New Zealand

Bosnia i Hercegovina 27 May: Banja Luka

Our international team arrived in Bosnia i Hercegovina and went first to a school in Banja Luka; the school we visited was the Milan Rakic school. A TV station came to cover the event, since the Minister for Youth, Family and Sport also came to meet with us at the school.

Naš međunarodni tim je stigao u Bosnu i Hercegovinu i posjetili smo prvu školu u Banjaluci , OŠ Milan Rakić. Događaj je pretila TV ekipa jer je na priredbu došao Ministar za omladinu, porodicu i sport RS da se sastane sa nama.

It seems that some children and some interesting beings came to perform for us.

Izgledalo je da su djeca i neka interesantna bića došla da nam prirede predstavu.

The Minister, her assistant and the Director of the school seemed to really enjoy the presentation.

Ministar, njen asistent i direktor škole su , izgleda istinski uživali u prezentaciji.

The team also enjoyed the young students' performances; they had great enthusiasm.

Tim je takođe uživao u izvedbi malih đaka koja je bila puna velikog entuzijazma.

Dipavajan cheerfully presents the torch to the Minister while everyone looks on.

Dipavajan je sa radošću predao baklju Ministru. A svi su pažljivo pratili šta se događa.

The children lined up for a chance to hold the torch.

Djeca su čekala u redu dok se baklja predavala iz ruke u ruku.

Everyone wanted to get in on the group photo.

Svi su željeli da budu u grupnoj slici.

All smiles as the Minister receives her medal and award from the team.

Svuda su bili osmjesi kad je Ministru predana medalja i nagrada trke.

She even ran a few metres with us and the children.

Čak je i trčala nekoliko koraka sa nama i djecom.

She then sent us on our way with best wishes for our onward journey.

Nakon toga nas je ispratila sa najboljim željama u nastavku putovanja.

With 5 or 6 kms to go to another branch of the school, some of the children joined us for the run.

Sa 5-6 km pred nama do slijedeće škole, djeca su nam se pridružila u trčanju.

Along the way pairs of runners met us and joined in. We arrived on schedule.

Duž trase trkači su nam se pridruživali u parovima. Dođli smo tačno na vrijeme.

The children each find Peace in their hearts and light the flame of Harmony in a moment of silence.

Svako dijete nalazi Mir u svome srcu i upali plamen Harmonije u par trenutaka tišine.

Groups of children played out short stories for us.

Dječije skupine su nam odigrale neke priče.

And once again they were eager to get their hands on the torch.

I opet su željno preuzimali našu baklju.

There was just enough time for a gathering around the torch before we were off for another special meeting.

Preostalo je još samo toliko vremena za skupljanje oko baklje i nastavili smo dalje na još jedan specijalni susret.

We arrived at the FK Borac football stadium just as the team was finishing its morning training session.

Došli smo na stadion FK Borac baš kad su završavali jutarnji trening.

One of the players shows us the shooting skills which have helped the team to become Bosnian champions for the first time in the club's history.

Jedan od igrača nam je pokazao šuterske kvalitete koje su pomogle da tim postane šampiom Bosne i Hercegovine, po prvi put u kluppskoj istoriji.

The coach came over to greet us and, taking the torch, led us over to the team.

Trener nas je dočekao i doveo do tima sa bakljom u ruci.

The team clapped us as we came over to meet it and seemed quite eager to hear the message of the Harmony Run.

Tim nas je dočekao sa aplauzom dok smo im prilazili i sa interesovanjem je poslušao poruku Trke za svjetsku harmoniju.

The coaches and the players took the torch and handed it around to every member of the squad.

Treneri i igrači su preuzeli baklju i međusobno predavali svakom članu ekipe.

They even took the torch for a loop around the field.

Čak su sa bakljom otrčali počasni krug oko terena.

Then it was time for the the group photos, one each for the family and team albums.

Onda je došlo vrijeme za zajedničku fotografiju, onu za porodični i timski album.

The team captain and colleague receive the certificate of appreciation.

Kapiten tima, i možda njegov zamjenik, su primili našu zahvalnicu.

We make our way to the municipal hall...

Onda smo bili na putu do Opštine Banjaluka.

where we were met by the Deputy Mayor and her assistant. TV and press also came to record the meeting.

Susret je bio sa zamjenicom gradinačelnika i njenom asistenticom. Televizija i novine su zabilježili događaj.

Of course, a group photo in front of Municipal Hall.

I naravno, grupna fotografija pred zgradom Opštine.

Though she didn't have the right shoes, she managed to run a few metres to send us on our way.

Iako nije imala odgovarajuće cipele, zamjenica načelnika je trčala sa nama par metara ispračajući nas na trasu.

This led us to the Kras chocolate shop, where we were served excellent Hot Chocolate.

Trasa nas je vodila kraj prodavnice čokolada Kraš gdje nam je poslužena izvanredna topla čokolada.

Atul is captivated by the by the chocolate fountain.

Atul je bio zadivljen čokoladnom fontanom.

Thanks to our waiter, Atul got to live his dream of eating from the chocolate fountain, and made us all smile.

Zahvaljujući našem konobaru, Atul je oživio san da jede iz čokoladne fontane i onda nam je poklonio veliki osmjeh.

We stopped at the municipal offices in Laktasi, a town just outside of Banja Luka. The staff were so happy that we took the time to visit them.

Zaustavili smo se u Opštini Laktašikoja se nalazi u neposrednoj blizini Banjaluke. Bili su vrlo sretni našom posjetom.

This time they ran with us in high heels. Next time they will meet us in running shoes.

Ovaj put su trčali sa nama u visokim štiklama. Slijedeći put nas čekaju u patikama za trčanje.

Lunch time, and our host serves us the most wonderful soup and very inspiring words.

Vrijeme za ručak, i naš domaćin nas je poslužio sa čudesnom čorbom i vrlo inspirativnim rijećima.

Atul cannot wait to get his hands on dessert!

Atul nije mogao dočekati da stigne dezert!

You can almost taste it.

Skoro da ga možete okusiti.

We were taken care of both with inner and outer nourishment. Then it was time to say goodbye for now.

Bili smo okrepljeni i iznutra i izvana. I onda je došao trenutak da se oprostimo.

This was the end of our first day in Bosnia and Hercegovina, and we were completely satisfied.

Ovo je bio kraj našeg prvog dana u Bosni i Hercegovini i bili smo sasvim zadovoljni.


The World Harmony Run proudly supports the International Year of Youth (IYY) and the International Year of Forests (IYF) proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly.

See the recent Youtube video which illustrates IYY slogan "Our Year Our Voice"  International Year of Youth - Zambia World Harmony

See also the UNESCO World Heritage (WH) Centre support for IY of Forests.  ... Convention for conservation of forest biodiversity. (more)


– Chanakhya

Team Members:
Dipavajan Renner (Austria), Atul Arora (India), Olivia Lopez Cortes (Mexico), Marc Schrader (Germany), Sandro Zincarini (Italy), Lubica Teresic (Serbia), Chanakhya Jakovic (UK), Amur Basic (Bosnia i Hercegovina)

You can send a message to the runners or read the messages.

< Hungary 26 May
< Czech Republic 26 May
Belgium 1 June >

Czech Republic 27 May