• World Harmony Run

    World's Largest Torch Relay
    World Harmony Run

  • 1,000,000 Participants

    Across 6 Continents
    1,000,000 Participants

  • Dreaming of a more harmonious world

    100 countries
    Dreaming of Harmony

  • Schools And Kids

    Make a Wish for Peace
    Schools And Kids

  • Sri Chinmoy: World Harmony Run Founder

    World Harmony Run Founder
    Sri Chinmoy

  • Carl Lewis: World Harmony Run Spokesman

    World Harmony Run Spokesman
    Carl Lewis

  • New York, USA

    New York

  • London, Great Britain

    Great Britain

  • Shakhovskaya, Russia


  • Around Australia

    15,000 kms, 100 days
    Around Australia

  • Around Ireland

    14 Days, 1500km
    Around Ireland

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  • Arjang, Norway


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  • Prague, Czech Republic

    Czech Republic

  • Belgrade, Serbia


  • Lake Biwa, Japan

    Lake Biwa

  • Kapsait, Ethiopia


  • Pangkor Island, Malaysia

    Pangkor Island

  • Bali, Indonesia


  • The All Blacks, New Zealand

    The All Blacks
    New Zealand

Hrvatska ruta 19 May: Split - Biograd

In the morning we visited a good friend of the Harmony Run...

Ujutro smo posjetili dobrog prijatelja Utrke Svjetske Harmonije...

Don Ivan Grubišić has hosted the WHR two times!

Don Ivan Grubišič ugostio je WHR po drugi put!

He is a recipient of the Torch Bearer Award for his continuing efforts for peace and harmony.

On dobio Medalju nositelja baklje. Nagrada je za njegov kontinuirani napor za uspostvaljanje harmonije, razumijevanja i tolerancije.

He shared some very interesting stories and gave us two books he has written.

Podijelio je sa nama vrlo interesantne price i darovao nas je sa svoje dvije zbirke poezije.

A nice run through Split.

Lijepa trka kroz Split.

The kids at Pojišanska school were very excited to hold the torch.

Djeca u OŠ Pojišanska su bila vrlo uzbudjena što su držala baklju.

For the fiftieth anniversary of the school, the teachers and the kids all signed a shirt for us. Thanks!

Za pedesetu godosnjicu škole profesori i djeca potpisali su se na majicu za nas. Hvala!

Fast runners!

Brzi trkači!

We eat according to a very strict and healthy diet on the harmony Run.

Jedemo prema vrlo striktnoj i zdravoj dijeti.

Woman overboard!
Cure se dobro zabavljaju!

Trogir; the old part of town is a UNESCO world heritage site.

see UNESCO heritage site list: http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/810

Trogir, stari grad je pod zaštitom UNESCO-a.

The Mayor of Trogir showed us great hospitality.

Gradonačelnik Trogira pokazao je iznimno gostoprimstvo prema nama.

We were treated to a great singing performance by some local kids.

Lokalna djeca prikazala su nam divni nastup.

Singing the "Hokey Pokey" song.
Svi pjevamo "Hokey Pokey" pjesmu.

The lunch they served us was superb; grilled vegetables, fried zucchini and cheese, and many other delicious dishes!

Ručak koji su nam pripremili bio je odličan, pečeni patlidžani i sir i mnoga ostala slasna jela!

Thank you again Trogir!

Trogir, hvala ti opet!

We ran by the beautiful harbour, which was constructed 2,300 years ago.

Trčali smo kroz gradsku rivu koja je izgradjena prije 2300 godina.

The school meeting was small, but the kids more than made up for it with their big hearts!

Maloje usko na školskom ulazu ali i to je dovljno tamo gdje sloga vlada!

We had to sprint to keep up with these kids...

Morali smo sprintati da bi sustigli djecu...

Until we meet again Trogir...for now, it's off to Biograd.

Do sljedeći put, Trogire...mi smo već na putu za Biograd.

– Zach

Distance: 127 km

Team Members:
Dipavajan Renner (Austria), Luis Angel (Guatemala), Roos de Waart (Netherlands), Manjula Lecordier (France), Zoltan Theobald (Hungary), Zach Saltzman (USA), Sarah Newton (Canada), Aleksey Egorov (Russian Federation), Kastura Panenkova (Russian Federation), Marlen Bernhard (Germany), Namitabha Arsic (Serbia), Swetlana Gorshkova (Russian Federation)

You can send a message to the runners or read the messages.

< Hrvatska ruta 18 May
Hrvatska ruta 20 May >