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Faroe Islands 7 September: Fuglafjørður - Norðdepil

Beautiful blue skies beckoned us to our first destination of the day, the school Fuglafjarðarskúli in the village of Fuglafjørður.

Meget smuk blå himmel mødte os på dagens første destination, som var skolen Fuglafjarðarskúli i byen Fuglafjørður.

We were helped up the hill to the school by the enthusiatic cheering of the children waiting in the playground.

Børnene ventede i skolegården og hjalp os op ad bakken til skolen ved at heppe på os.

The kids' eagerness always gives us extra energy.

Børnenes entusiasme giver os altid ekstra energi.

Feeling Harmony in our hearts so we can share it with the world.

At føle harmoni i vore hjerter sådan at vi kan dele det med verden.

Cool bike :)

Sej cykel :)

These children were all really happy to hold the torch!

Disse børn var alle meget glade for at holde fakkelen!

A group run around the playground is a great way to warm up in the fresh Faroe Islands weather!

Et gruppeløb i skolegården er en god måde at varme op på i det friske færøske vejr!

One last chance to hold the torch before we leave!

En sidste chance at holde fakkelen inden vi tager af sted igen!

There are so many beautiful smiles in the Faroe Islands - but when the view from your school window looks like this it´s easy to see why!

Der er så mange smukke smil på Færøerne - men når det her er udsigten fra vinduet i klasselokalet kan man nemt forstå hvorfor!

Today we were extremely lucky with sunshine and blue skies. What you can´t see in a picture is the strong winds!!

Vi var meget heldige i dag med solskin og blå himmel. Det man dog ikke kan se på et billede er vinden!!

Part of the charm of the Faroe Islands is the there´s not a lot of flat roads. Suren happy to run ´up´.

En del av charmen ved Færøerne er at der er ikke så mange veje der er lige, men Suren er glad for at løbe opad!

The school of Leirvíkurskúli in the village of Leirvík

Skolen Leirvíkurskúli i byen Leirvík.

We held our ceremony in their fabulous performance hall - no stage lights were in use today but the cameras were ready!!

Arrangementet foregik i deres fantastiske koncert sal - der var ingen lys pa scenen i dag, men allve var klar med kameraer.

The joyful thrill a World Harmony Run torch can bring when it arrives!

Et lykkeligt smil som World Harmony Run fakkelen kan fremkalde!

We all have a lot of fun with our continent stamps!

Vi morede os meget med vores kontinent stempler!

Can you guess the animal and the continent?? This is Buffalo in America!

Kan du gætte dyret og kontinentet?? Dette er en buffalo i Amerika.

Time to say goodbye to another brilliant school, we had a lot of fun here!!

Tid til at sige farvel til endu en dejlig skole, vi havde det meget sjovt her!!

Lots and lots of hills today......

Mange mange bakker i dag.....

The town of Klaksvík, Faroe Islands' second largest town.

Her ser vi Klaksvík, Færøernes anden største by.

But the beauty of the mountains and sea is always visible - how many towns can claim that blessing?

Men havet og de smukke bjerge er altid synlige - hvor mange byer er ligeså heldige?

We were very happy to be joined for the run out of Klaksvík by runners from the Treysti Athletics club.

Nogle løbere fra Atleter klubben Treysti løb sammen med os fra Klaksvík.

They have 400 members - which translates to an outstanding statistic of 1 in 10 from the town being a member!

De har 400 medlemmer - som betyder at 1 ud af 10 i byen er medlem, som er ganske fremragende!

The Faore islands has many tunnels connecting it´s Islands, and when you come out of each one a new vista amazes you.

Der er mange tunneller pa Færøerne og når du kommer igennem hver af dem er der ny fantastisk udsigt!

A couple of the junior athletes joined us for the final kilometers into Norðdepil. They are both very keen runners and we enjoyed their youthful speed and enthusiasm for running!

To unge atleter mødte også op og løb med os de sidste kilometer til Norðdepil. De er begge to meget gode løbere og vi nød deres friske energi og entusiasme for at løbe!

The school Skúlin á Fossánesi in the village of Norðdepil

Skúlin á Fossánesi i byen Norðdepil.

School had officially finished so we were very grateful to these pupils for staying longer to meet us and give us such a warm welcome! We got started with a run up the driveway.

Skolendagen var officielt slut så vi var meget taknemmelige for at eleverne blev der længere for at mødes med os og tog så varmt imod os. Vi startede med at løbe op ad indkørselen.

It was a little breezy outside!

Det var lidt koldt udenfor!

Everyone was great at learning the actions to the World Harmony Run song!

Alle var gode til at lære bevægelserne til the World Harmony Run sangen!

Taking a moment to feel some peace and happiness.

Lidt tid til at mærke fred og lykke.

Skúlin á Fossánesi is one of the smaller schools that we visited, but the smiles were just as big and excited.

Skúlin á Fossánesi er en af de mindre skoler vi besøgte, men smilene var lige så store og forventningsfulde.

It was also the school that the TV station chose to come and film.

Det var også denne skole, fjernsynet valgte til at filme.

The athletics club Treysti, which has 400 members in the 4.000+ town of Klaksvík, made us feel most welcome and to share the torch with runners on their training routes is always a lovely experience for the team. From left to right: Jonhard Larsen, Maria Biskopstø, Guttorm Sørensen, Gunnar Siversen. With the enthusiasm and talent of Maria and Gunnar the clubs future is in excellement hands!

Nogle medlemmer af idrætsklubben Treysti, som har 400 medlemmer i den 4000+ indbyggeres by, Klaksvík, fik os til at føle os meget velkomne, og at dele fakkelen med løberne på deres træningsrute er altid en god oplevelse for teamet. Fra venstre : Jonhard Larsen, Maria Biskopstø, Guttorm Sørensen, Gunnar Siversen.

After running uphill in the morning - Mahasatya gets to enjoy running downhill!

Efter at have løbet op ad bakke om morgenen, nød Mahasatya at løbe ned ad bakke.

The Faroe Islands have so many spectacular waterfalls.

Der er så mange fine vandfald her på Færøerne.

It was slow progress at times today running into a strong headwind

Det gik ret langsomt med at lbe engang i mellem i dag, da det blæste ret meget.

In Tórshavn there is a splendid old cathedral which although presently dates from 1865, is actually a re-buliding of a church from the 18th century. The interesting detail about this church - as with many others in the faroe Islands - is that there is a model of a ship hanging inside from the ceiling.

I Tórshavn er der en flot gammel kirke, som har datoen 1865, men det er faktiskt en ny bygning, den var bygget efter den originale kirke fra 1800-tallet. Det interessante ved denne kirke er, ligesom i mange andre kirker på Færøerne, at der er en model af et skip der hænger inde i kirken oppe fra taget.

The decoration inside is beautiful.

Dekorationen er utroligt flot!

A few of the older houses in Torshan. It´s a delightful capital city to stroll around!

Her kan man se nogle af de gamle huse i Tórshavn. Det er en dejlig by at gå rundt i!

Hallur Holm invited us to dinner tonight and we left a very grateful team after a truly delicious meal cooked by Elisabeth Larsen. She is an amazing cook, and we happily ate far too much!! After dinner we enjoyed watching Germany play Faroe Islands at football and Hallur´s son Steingrimur also joined us.

Hallur Holm inviterede os til aftensmad om aftenen og det var nogle meget tilfredse mennesker der tog hjem efter et fremragende måltid, lavet af Elisabeth Larsen. Hun er en fantatisk kok og vi spiste glædeligt alt for meget! Efter maden så vi Tyskland og Færøene spile fodbold og Hallurs søn, Steingrimur, så med.

– Shyamala

Distance: 25 km

Team Members:
Apaguha Vesely (Czech Republic), Suren Torfi Leósson (Iceland), Pranava Rúnar Gígja (Iceland), Laufey Haraldsdóttir (Iceland), Shyamala Stott (Scotland), Mahasatya Janczak (Poland)

You can send a message to the runners or read the messages.

< Faroe Islands 6 September
< Slovenia 6 September
Faroe Islands 8 September >
Italy 8 September >

Slovenia 7 September