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Slovenia 6 September: Ljubljana - Tržič

Welcome to Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia! After a good-nights rest in the Park Hotel we were ready for a busy day...

Dobrodošli v Ljubljani glavnemu mestu Slovenije! Po dobrem počitku v hotelu Park smo bili pripravljeni na naporni dan pred nami...

The Primary school Vodmat was first: an enthusiastic welcome!

Osnovna šola Vodmat je bila prva: navdušujoč sprejem!

The kids joined us on our run out. Thanks for the meeting!

Otroci so se nam pridružili pri odhodu.Hvala za srečanje!

We went on to school number two:

Odšli smo na šolo številka dve:

The Primary school Poljane!

Osnovna šola Poljane!

...a great school and good old friends of the Run!

...odlična šola in stari dobri prijatelji Teka!

Ljubljana presented itself from its best side!

Ljubljana na najlepši možni način!

...and we reached the Primary school Waldorfska!

...in prispeli smo na Waldorfsko osnovno šolo!

...the kids welcomed us with flute music!

...otroci so nas pričakali z glasbeno točko iz flavt!

Thanks for the nice time!

Hvala za lepo doživetje!

Kids from the Waldorf School ran with us to the next school: the Primary school Tone Čufar!

Otroci iz Waldorfske šole so tekli skupaj z nami do naslednje osnovne šole Tone Čufar!

...big smiles!

...velikanski nasmeški!

A big Thank You!

Hvala Lepa!

...and last not least we reached the Primary school Prežihov Voranc!

...in nazadnje smo pritekli do Osnovne šole Prežihov Voranc!

We got a great lunch there! Thanks for the hospitality!

Imeli smo zares dobro kosilo! Hvala za gostoljubnost!

Kids from the school went with us further through downtown to the City Hall...

Otroci iz šole so nadaljevali pot skozi mesto do Mestne hiše...

City Hall Ljubljana...

Mestna hiša Ljubljane...

Mayor Zoran Jankovič, a good old friend of the World Harmony Run, gave us a warm welcome!

Župan Zoran Jankovič, dober prijatelj Teka Svetovne Harmonije nas je prisrčno sprejel!

...nice gifts...

...lepa darila...

Mrs. Jerca Mrzel, a famous Slovenian actress and a good friend...

Gospa Jerca Mrzel, ugledna slovenska igralka in dobra prijateljica...

...a group picture in front of the City Hall...

...skupinska slika izpred Mestne hiše...

..and we went on to the Parliament of Slovenia...

...in odšli smo v slovenski Parlament ...

The Slovenian Parliament is a traditional stop on our Slovenian Run!

Slovenski Parlament je tradicionalen postanek Teka v Sloveniji!

...the decoration tells the history of Slovenia in a very impressive way...

...risbe pripovedujejo zgodovino Slovenije na zelo impozanten način...

The President of the Slovenian Parliament, Mr. Gregor Virant, received the runners with kind words...

Predsednik Parlamenta Slovenije gospod Gregor Virant je sprejel tekače s toplimi besedami...

Thank you for the warm welcome!

Hvala za prisrčen sprejem!

We left Ljubljana and went North towards Tržič...

Zapustili smo Ljubljano in odšli proti severu v Tržič...

The Mayor of Tržič and Member of Parliament, Mag. Borut Sajovic welcomed us together with a group of runners...

Župan Tržiča in član Parlamenta magister Borut Sajovic nas je sprejel skupaj s skupino tekačev...

...a great run through Slovenia's beautiful nature...

...odličen tek v čudoviti pokrajini Slovenije...

We reached Tržič and went to the City Hall...

Prispeli smo v Tržič in odšli do Mestne hiše...

...a skillful Breakdance performance...

...mojstrski Breakdance nastop...

...we passed the torch...

...predali smo Plamenico...

...and after an inspiring photo exhibition we were treated with sweets. What a day!

...po navdihujoči slikovni razstavi so nas pogostili s sladicami.Kakšen dan!

– Dipavajan

Distance: 55 km

Team Members:
Dipavajan Renner (Austria), Sandro Zincarini (Italy), Sumahat Strohn (Germany), Barbora Tabackova (Slovakia), Mladen Vujaklija (Croatia), Dennis Gribok (Luxembourg), Daniel Rubin (New Zealand), Vanya Popinska (Bulgaria), Miran Dremelj (Slovenia), Balavan Thomas (UK), Sergey Sidenko (Ukraine), Slovenian runners

You can send a message to the runners or read the messages.

< Slovenia 5 September
< Faroe Islands 5 September
Slovenia 7 September >
Faroe Islands 7 September >

Faroe Islands 6 September