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Romania 1 July: Satu Mare - Petrova

Nothing like a good run early in the morning...

Nimic nu se compara cu o alergare dimineata devreme...

The children from Livada prepared a special welcome sign

Copiii din livada au pregatit un panou special de bun venit

Everybody put a wish for harmony in the torch

Toata lumea si-a pus o dorinta pentru armonie in torta

Ms. Monica Popescu,The Director od the George Baritiu School and Mr. Piricsi Arthur, the Livada Mayor received the torch on behalf of the Livada community

Dna Monica Popescu, directorul grupului scolar George Baritiu si dl. Piricsi Arthur, primarul localitatii Livada, au primit torta in numele comunitatii

"Do I have all the continetn stamps?"

"Am toate stampilele cu continente?"

Everybody joined us for a short run

Toata lumea ni s-a alaturat pentru o scurta alergare

Another warm welcome in Orasul Nou, the next stop on our journey

Inca o primire calduroasa in Orasul Nou, urmatorea noastra oprire pe traseu

Mr. Ludroczki Alexandru, the Mayor of Orasul Nou held a welcoming speech

Dl. Ludroczki Alexandru, Primarul Orasului Nou a tinut un discurs de bun venit

Then we enjoyed a traditional dance

Apoi ne-am bucurat de dansul specific zonei

Fruits are always welcomed for the runners, especially in hot, hot days, like today

Fructele sunt intotdeauna binevenite, in mod special in zilele foarte calduroase, cum a fost si azi

The dancers also held the torch after they finished the dance

Si dansatorii au tinut torta, dupa ce au terminat dansul

The ambulance crew, helpful as always

Echipajul de ambulanta, de ajutor, ca de obicei

We blocked the traffic for our huge team to be able to run

Am blocat traficul, asftel ca echipa noastra uriasa sa poata alerga

"I'm on the top of the world!!!"

"Am ajuns in varful lumii!!!"

We could see stork nests all over the place

Am putut vedea cuiburi de barza peste tot

Hi Mom! I am on TV!

Pozdrav za moju dragu porodicu, a posebno za majku Milenu!!!

...even on a cemetery you can have a warm welcome... especially if it's the Merry Cemetery from Sapanta

...chiar si intr-un cimitir putem avea parte de o primire calduroasa... in mod special cand e vorba de Cimitirul Vesel din Sapanta

Petrova was the final destination for today

Petrova a fost ultima destinatie a zilei

A big group of children, dressed in traditional costumes, was already waiting for us

Un grup mare de copii, purtand costume populare, ne astepta deja

We passed the torch to the representatives of the local community: The Vice-mayor and the Director of the "Alexandru Filipascu" school

Am inmanat torta reprezentantilor comunitatii locale: vice primarul si directoarei scolii "Alexandru Filipascu"

Tradition costumes proved to be quite good for running

Costumele traditionale s-au dovedit a fi destul de potrivite pentru alergat

After a long and extremely hot day, we enjoyed the last group photo, before going the hotel

Dupa o zi lunga si extrem de calda, ne-am bucurat de o ultima poza de grup, inainte de merge la hotel

– Bogdan

Distance: 121 km

Team Members:
Dipavajan Renner (Austria), Sandro Zincarini (Italy), Sumahat Strohn (Germany), Mladen Vujaklija (Croatia), Vladimir Ilyasov (Russian Federation), Barbora Tabackova (Slovakia), Namitabha Arsic (Serbia), Ildiko Kuremszki (Hungary), Lazlo Kovacs (Hungary), Christian Ichim (Romania), Szilveszter Szilard (Romania), Sandor Beres (Romania), Adrian Papuc (Romania), Supriya Pantiru (Romania), Luiza Hariton (Romania), Gigi Olah (Romania), Mihai Dragnea (Romania), Bogdan Copil (Romania), Karanika Savescu (Romania)

You can send a message to the runners or read the messages.

< Romania 30 June
Romania 2 July >