• World Harmony Run

    World's Largest Torch Relay
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    Make a Wish for Peace
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  • Sri Chinmoy: World Harmony Run Founder

    World Harmony Run Founder
    Sri Chinmoy

  • Carl Lewis: World Harmony Run Spokesman

    World Harmony Run Spokesman
    Carl Lewis

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Slovenia 24 May: Ljubljana

Here we are again - Slovenia! We are looking forward to another great adventure in this beautiful country.

Pa smo spet prišli - Slovenija! Veselimo se novih dogodivščin v tej prelepi deželi.

”Welcome runners! We have been eagerly awaiting your arrival.”

”Dobrodošli tekači! Nestrpno smo vas pričakovali.”

The founder of the World Harmony Run, Sri Chinmoy wrote a song for Slovenia in which he says that it is ”Nature beauty's utopia”.

Ustanovitelj Teka svetovne harmonije Šri Činmoj je napisal pesem za Slovenijo, v kateri pravi, da je Slovenija ”sanjska lepota narave”.

We could not agree more.

Ne bi se mogli bolj strinjati.

Preparing for a big day - here we are signing World Harmony Run t-shirts for... well, for two very significant people... you will find out who they are very soon...

Priprave na veliki dan - tu podpisujemo majici Teka svetovne harmonije za... hmm, za dva zelo pomembna človeka... kdo sta to, boste izvedeli zelo kmalu...

This t-shirt is ready. We are looking forward to presenting it to - we dare say - a good friend of our World Harmony Run team.

Majica je pripravljena. Komaj čakamo, da jo bomo lahko podarili - upamo si reči - dobremu prijatelju našega tima Teka svetovne harmonije.

First destination for today - Parliament of the Republic of Slovenia. Quite a significant beginning of a day, isn't it?

Prvi današnji cilj - Državni zbor Republike Slovenije. Precej pomemben začetek dneva, kajne?

It has become a tradition that we are invited the Parliament, where we meet with its president.

Lahko rečemo da je postala že lepa tradicija, da nas povabijo v Državni zbor, kjer se srečamo z njegovim predsednikom.

President of the Parliament of the Republic of Slovenia Dr. Pavel Gantar receives the torch and good wishes for peace and harmony from all over the world, from our team leader Dipavajan.

Predsednik Državnega zbora Republike Slovenije sprejema plamenico skupaj z dobrimi željami za mir in harmonijo z vsega sveta od vodje našega tima Dipavajana.

The President offered his heartfelt words of encouragement to us and added his wishes for harmony, which we will carry with us as we continue on our way. It has been a real honour and joy for us to meet with Dr. Gantar again.

Oh - forgot to tell you - he is the first significant person to whom we we offered a signed t-shirt today; he seemed sincerely happy that we all signed it. Thank you Mr. President, for all your kindness and support! We really appreciate it.

Predsednik nam je izrekel srčne besede spodbude in dodal svoje želje za harmonijo, ki jih bomo ponesli s seboj na našo pot. Bilo nam je v veliko čast in veselje, da smo se ponovno srečali z dr. Gantarjem.

Da ne pozabim - on je prva pomembna oseba, ki smo ji podarili podpisano majico. Zdel se je iskreno vesel, da smo jo vsi podpisali. Hvala, gospod predsednik, za vso vašo prijaznost in podporo. Resnično nam veliko pomeni.

Miroslav Cerar has been a supporter of the run for many years. He also offered us some encouraging words. His presence alone is a real inspiration to us, because you can feel a pure Olympic spirit in him.

Miroslav Cerar je dolgoletni podpornik teka in naš prijatelj. Tudi on nam je namenil nekaj spodbudnih besed. Že samo njegova prisotnost je velik navdih za nas, kajti iz njega kar veje čisti olimpijski duh.

Some kids from Prežihov Voranc school came with us. Who knows - perhaps one of them will be a member of the Parliament in a few years.

Nekaj učencev Osnovne šole Prežihovega Voranca je prišlo z nami. Kdo ve, morda bo kdo izmed njih parlamentarec čez nekaj let.

After the meeting in Parliament we ran to their school.

Po obisku parlamenta smo tekli do njihove šole.

Young musician.

Mladi glasbenik.

Future photographer?
Bodoča fotografinja?

We can feel peace, harmony and friendship inside our hearts.

Mir, harmonijo in prijateljstvo lahko začutimo v svojem srcu.

No limits to get a great shot.

Ni ovir za dobro fotografijo.

Peace and joy go together!

Mir in veselje gresta skupaj!

Our new team members.

Naši novi člani tima.

We do not know who was more inspired to meet again - kids or runners!

Ne vemo, kdo je bil bolj navdušen, da se ponovno vidimo - učenci ali tekači!

”I am also for peace!”

”Tudi jaz sem za mir!”

So where do we feel peace in happines? Of course, inside our hearts!

Kje že čutimo mir in srečo? Seveda, v srcu!

The school principal was also enthusiastic.

Tudi ravnatelj je bil navdušen.

Everybody got the chance to hold the torch.

Vsi so lahko prijeli plamenico.

Wish for harmony.

Želja za harmonijo.

The school principal accepted a Certificate of Appreciation on behalf of all the children.

Ravnatelj je v imenu vseh otrok prejel diplomo Teka svetovne harmonije.

Flame in the torch and flame in the eyes.

Ogenj v plamenici in ogenj v očeh.


Run, run, run, run, run, run, World Harmony Run!
Teci, teci, teci, teci, teci, teci, Tek svetovne harmonije!

We ran to the President's palace together.

Vsi skupaj tečemo v Palačo predsednika republike.

We bring the message of the Run to all - to the children...

Sporočilo teka prinašamo vsem - otrokom...

... and to the president of the country.

... in tudi predsedniku države.

The President of the Republic of Slovenia Dr. Danilo Türk received the World Harmony Run torch again this year. He showed us that he really is a person who holds the ideals of World Harmony Run in his heart.

Predsednik Republike Slovenije dr. Danilo Türk je tudi letos sprejel plamenico Teka svetovne harmonije. Ponovno nam je pokazal, da je resnično človek, ki nosi v srcu ideale Teka svetovne harmonije.

Since we had already offered him the ”Torch bearer award” last year, this time we gave him a painting by the founder of the World Harmony Run, entitled ”World - Harmony”.

Ker smo mu nagrado ”Nosilec plamenice” podelili že lansko leto, smo mu letos podarili sliko ustanovitelja teka z naslovom ”Svetovna harmonija”.

And of course - the other signed t-shirt. We feel that Dr. Danilo Türk is a true friend of the World Harmony Run, so we made him an honorary member of our team.

In seveda - majico, na katero smo se vsi podpisali. Čutimo, da je dr. Danilo Türk pravi prijatelj Teka svetovne harmonije, zato smo ga imenovali za častnega člana našega tima.

Group photo for a precious memory.

Skupinska fotografija, ki nam bo vsem v drag spomin.

Everybody, especially children, enjoyed talking with the president. Only a great person can talk as easily with a child as with world leaders.

Vsi, še posebno otroci, so z veseljem pokramljali s predsednikom. Samo velika oseba se lahko pogovarja s preprostim otrokom z enako lahkoto kot s svetovnimi voditelji.

Mirjam Vrhunc from the president's office, and our coordinator for Ljubljana.

It is said that you can see what kind of person somebody is by what kind of people he or she has around - we can attest that president has very nice people arround :).

Mirjam Vrhunc iz predsednikovega urada skupaj z našo koordinatorko za Ljubljano.

Pravijo, da se človeka prepozna tudi po tem, kakšne ljudi ima okoli sebe. Lahko rečemo samo to, da ima predsednik okoli sebe res prijetne ljudi.

You can clearly see on our faces, the joy and gratitude we felt after our meeting with the president  Thank you, Mr. President. Our Slovenian runners are especially proud to have a president like you.

Po srečanju spredsednikom. Veselje in hvaležnost, ki smo ju občutili, se razločno vidita na naših obrazih. Hvala vam, spoštovani predsednik. Slovenski tekači smo še posebej ponosni, da imamo takega predsednika, kot ste vi!

Short break - great ice-cream delight.

Kratek odmor - velika sladoledna blaženost.

Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia is a very colourful city.

Ljubljana, glavno mesto Slovenije, je zelo barvito mesto.

The ”Harley Davidson” of bicycles.

”Harley Davidson” med kolesi.

We were offered a nice lunch at Lunch Cafe, in the old part of Ljubljana.

V Stari Ljubljani so nas povabili na okusno kosilo v Lunch cafe.

The owner and his team held the torch together. Thank you guys!

Lastnik je skupaj s svojim timom prijel plamenico. Hvala vam, fantje!

Our cycling friend.

Naša kolesarska prijateljica.

Thanks God for water!

Hvala bogu za vodo!

The City of Ljubljana provided us with a great tourist guide, Anja Butala. At first we wanted to have only a 30-minute tour through the city, but we enjoyed her stories so much that we prolonged it to almost two hours. She definitely was perfect for our team.

Mesto Ljubljana nam je priskrbelo zelo prijetno turistično vodičko Anjo Butala. Čeprav smo najprej hoteli le 30 minutni ogled mesta, nas je s svojimi zgodbami tako navdušila, da smo ga podaljšali na skoraj dve uri. Brez dvoma je bila Anja prava izbira za naš tim.

River Ljubljanica with many nice bridges.

Reka Ljubljanica z mnogimi prikupnimi mostovi.

Glowing city.

Ožarjeno mesto.

Ljubljana Castle. Those were the days!

Ljubljanski grad. To pa je bil dan!!!

– Dipavajan

Team Members:
Dipavajan Renner (Austria), Luis Angel (Guatemala), Roos de Waart (Netherlands), Zoltan Theobald (Hungary), Zach Saltzman (USA), Apaguha Vesely (Czech Republic), Sarah Newton (Canada), Aleksey Egorov (Russian Federation), Kastura Panenkova (Russian Federation), Balavan Thomas (UK), Namitabha Arsic (Serbia), Swetlana Gorshkova (Russian Federation), Anusobhini Rabensova (Czech Republic), Yuri Hrabutskiy (Belarus), Chanakhya Jakovic (UK), Janusz Wiewior (Poland)

You can send a message to the runners or read the messages.

< Ukraine 23 May
Slovenia 25 May >