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Slovenia 25 May: Snovik - Maribor

We offer our gratitude to Hotel Park and its director Urša Malovrh, who offered us a place to stay (they have very nice rooms!) in Ljubljana for the third year in a row. Thank you for your great hospitality!

Iskreno se zahvaljujemo hotelu Park in njegovi direktorici Urši Malovrh, ki je tekačem že tretje leto zapored zagotovilo prenočitev v Ljubljani (imajo zelo lepe sobe!). Hvala vam za vaše veliko gostoljubje!

In the morning we visited three schools and one kindergarten in Ljubljana.

Dopoldan smo obiskali tri osnovne šole in vrtec v Ljubljani.

Primary school Danile Kumar - nice headmaster and even nicer kids.

Osnovna šola Danile Kumar - prijetna ravnateljica in še bolj prijetni otroci.

We could really feel peace and harmony there.

Tu smo zares čutili mir in harmonijo.

Precious moments.

Dragoceni trenutki.

We feel peace...

Čutimo mir...

... and joy!

... in veselje!

Now we are also a World Harmony Run school!

Sedaj smo tudi mi šola Teka svetovne harmonije!

Many kids, lots of joy.

Veliko otrok, polno veselja.

Mmm... we grabbed some dried fruit...

Mmm... pograbili smo nekaj suhega sadja...

... and we were already on our way to the second school.

... in že smo bili na poti do druge šole.



Sticker man.


At Milana Šuštaršiča Primary School. we were greeted by smiling girls.

Na Osnovni šoli Milana Šuštaršiča so nas pozdravile nasmejane deklice.

Friendship is cool!

Prijateljstvo je ¨cool¨!

Try to feel peace and joy inside your heart.

Skušajmo začutiti mir in veselje v svojem srcu.

Running with kids is the best!

Tek z otroci je najboljši!

We are best friends...

Midve sva najboljši prijateljici...

The media was also there. Tatjana, our Sloveniam runner, during a television interview...

Tudi televizija je prišla. Tatjana, naša slovenska tekačica, med intervjujem...

Not running, flying!

Midva ne tečeva ampak letiva!

If I hold the torch, perhaps I can already walk!

Če se primem plamenice, lahko že hodim!

Who wants to play a game?

Kdo je za igrico?

No, it's not a forest - we were still in Ljubljana, running towards kindergarten.

Ne, to ni gozd, še vedno smo bili v Ljubljani in smo tekli proti vrtcu.

Is there anything more beautiful than children's pure eyes?

Je kaj lepšega, kot čist otroški pogled?

Little children at Ciciban Kindergarten were especially cute.

Malčki v Vrtcu Ciciban, enota Lenka, so bili še posebej prikupni.

Hug for a friend.

Objemček za prijatelja ali prijateljico.

Harmony bridge...

Most harmonije...

... and harmony train.

... in vlak harmonije.

Children tried to feel peace and friendship in their hearts very sincerely and intensely.

Zelo iskreno in pozorno so otroci skušali začutiti mir in prijateljstvo v svojih srcih.

Big children...
Velika otroka...

Meetings with children always give us so much joy.

Srečanja z otroci nam vedno dajo veliko veselja.

We ran eagerly to the next school, to meet even more new friends.

Navdušeno smo tekli proti naslednji šoli, da bi srečali še več novih prijateljev.

Smiling kids at Bežigrad Primary School.

Nasmejani otroci na Osnovni šoli Bežigrad.

We enjoy "giving fives" as much as the children do.

V "dajanju petk" uživamo prav toliko kot otroci.

First they all held the torch...

Najprej so vsi prijeli plamenico...

... and than we all ran together with the torch.

... potem pa smo vsi skupaj tekli s plamenico.

I want to run one more lap!

Jaz bom tekel še en krog.

If you can't feel joy in your heart, you have to practice a little bit. It is definitely there.

Če v svojem srcu ne čutiš veselja, moraš malo vaditi. Zagotovo je tam.

Not only children, but also the housekeeper enthusiastically held the torch.

Ne samo otroci, tudi hišnik je navdušeno prijel plamenico.

Today we met so many nice children. Hope we will meet with all of you again next year!

Danes smo srečali veliko prijaznih otrok. Upamo, da se bomo prihodnje leto ponovo srečali z vsemi vami!

Running in Ljubljana.

Tek po Ljubljani.

On the way we visited the Madal Bal shop.

Na poti smo obiskali Madal Bal trgovino.

Our runner Petra (in front) works there.

Naša tekačica Petra (spredaj) dela tam.

Today we came to City Hall...

Danes mo prišli pred Mestno hišo...

... to meet with the deputy mayor of Ljubljana, Aleš Čerin. We brought wishes for peace and harmony from other cities of the world to the city of Ljubljana.

... da bi se srečali s podžupanom Ljubljane Alešem Čerinom. V mesto Ljubljana smo tako prinesli želje za mir in harmonijo z drugih mest sveta.

The deputy mayor also ran a few symbolic steps for harmony.

Tudi podžupan je pretekel nekaj simboličnih korakov za harmonijo.

The road awaits. Running to Kamnik.

Cesta kliče. Na poti v Kamnik.

Again we enjoyed nature's exquisite beauty...

Ponovno smo uživali v neizmerni lepoti narave...

We enjoyedrunning...

Uživamo v teku...

... but hey, some rest does not hurt anybody.

... a malo počitka res ne škodi nikomur.

Outside Kamnik, runners from Papež Mountain Running Club joined us.

Pred Kamnikom so se nam pridružili tekači Kluba gorskih tekačev Papež.

Another enthusiastic new team member!

Naš novi navdušeni član tima!

These girls are very good runners.

Dekleta so zelo dobre tekačice.

Mayor of Kamnik Anton Tone Smolnikar received the torch again this year.

Župan Kamnika Anton Tone Smolnikar je tudi letos sprejel plamenico.

He enjoyed being a member of our team.

Dobro se je počutil kot član našega tima.

They kindly offered us some refreshments.

Prijazno so nam postregli osvežilne napitke.

On the way to Snovik a local man ran a few steps with us.

Na poti do Snovika je vaščan tekel z nami nekaj korakov.

The General Manager of the Terme Snovik Petra Zlatoper received our team and also ran a few steps with us. We spent the night there and enjoyed the serenity of nature all around us.

Direktorica Term Snovik Petra Zlatoper je pozdravila naš tim in tekla z nami nekaj korakov. Noč smo preživeli tukaj in vpijali mir in tišino narave okoli nas.

– Prakashita

Distance: 36 km

Team Members:
Dipavajan Renner (Austria), Luis Angel (Guatemala), Roos de Waart (Netherlands), Zoltan Theobald (Hungary), Zach Saltzman (USA), Apaguha Vesely (Czech Republic), Sarah Newton (Canada), Kastura Panenkova (Russian Federation), Balavan Thomas (UK), Namitabha Arsic (Serbia), Swetlana Gorshkova (Russian Federation), Anusobhini Rabensova (Czech Republic), Chanakhya Jakovic (UK), Janusz Wiewior (Poland)

You can send a message to the runners or read the messages.

< Slovenia 24 May
Slovenia 26 May >