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Slovenia 27 May: Maribor - Ptuj

A big "Thank You" to the Hotel Bellevue in Pohorje, which offered us beautiful, comfortable rooms and a delicious breakfast: we were ready for a new adventure in Maribor.

Velik "Hvala" Hotelu Bellevue na Pohorju. Ponudili so nam lepe, udobne sobe in odličen zajtrk. Bili smo pripravljeni na nove dogodivščine v Mariboru.

Maribor is a charming city.

Maribor je očarljivo mesto.

Full of anticipation, we ran to the first school.

Polni pričakovanj smo se "zapodili" v prvo šolo.

Children from two primary schools - Franceta Prešerna and Borisa Kidriča Maribor - greeted us together.

Dve Osnovni šoli - Franceta Prešerna in Borisa Kidriča Maribor sta nas pričakali skupaj.

We greeted each other eagerly.

Navdušeno smo se pozdravili.

Children sang...

Otroci so nam zapeli...

...and danced for us.

...in zaplesali.

More good wishes for peace and harmony.

Še več dobrih želja za mir in harmonijo.

Friendship is very important. These girls know it.

Prijateljstvo je zelo pomembno. Te deklice to vedo.

"We are the oneness and fulness of tomorrow's sun."
"Mi smo enost in polnost jutrišnjega sonca."

Headmasters of two neighbouring schools held the torch together.

Ravnateljica in ravnatelj dveh sosednjih šol sta skupaj prijela plamenico.

Running towards Maksa Durjave Primary School.

Tek proti Osnovni šoli Maksa Durjave.

Here too we tried to feel peace and harmony inside our hearts together.

Tudi tu smo skušali skupaj začutiti mir in harmonijo v svojih srcih.

In this game, where children are guessing which countries international runners are from, teachers are not allowed to participate. If they cheat, they have to run one lap. This nice teacher had to run two!

V igri ugibanja držav, iz katerih prihajajo mednarodni tekači, učiteljice niso smele sodelovati. Če so prišepetavale, so morale za kazen preteči en krog. Ta prikupna učiteljica je morala preteči kar dva!

We were happy that one more school joined our team.

Veseli smo bili, da se je našemu timu pridružila še ena šola.

Little car + quite strong engine = happy team-leader Dipavajan.

Mali avto + precej močan motor = srečen vodja tima Dipavajan.

Happiness is found in little things.
Sreča je v majhnih stvareh.

We met with children from Bratov Polančičev School and Ivana Glinška Kindergarten in a city park.

Z otroci Osnovne šole Bratov Polančičev in vrtca Ivana Glinška smo se srečali v v Mestnem parku.

Runners are coming.
Tekači prihajajo.

Deputy Mayor of Maribor, Andrej Verlič received the torch.

Podžupan Maribora Andrej Verlič je sprejel plamenico.

He also made a wish for harmony.

Tudi on si je zaželel željo za harmonijo.

Young cooks.
Mlade kuharice.

It was joyfull!

Bilo je veselo!

At the end we all ran one lap together in the park.

Na koncu smo vsi skupaj tekli en krog v parku.

One more school in Maribor was expecting us.

Pričakovala nas je še ena šola v Mariboru.

At Toneta Čufarja School...

V Osnovni šoli Toneta Čufarja...

... it was really joyfull!

... je bilo res živahno!

Prakashita with new friends.

Prakashita z novimi prijateljicami.

Happiness flags.
Zastavice sreče.

Teachers have to run too.

Tudi učiteljice morajo teči.

Sarah showed the children yoga exercises.

Sarah je pokazala otrokom vaje joge.

Yeah, let's ruuuuuun!
Juhu, teeeeecimo!

We had a nice lunch at the school.

V šoli so nas prijazno povabili na kosilo.

Friends from Totta Pizza.

Prijatelji s pizzerije Totta Pizza.

In the afternoon we left Maribor and ran towards Slivnica.

Popoldan smo zapustili Maribor in tekli proti Slivnici.



Franca Lešnika-Vuka School and Slivnica Kindergarten.

Osnovna šola Franca Lešnika - Vuka in Vrtec Slivnica.

Nice thoughts about friendship.

Lepe misli o prijateljstvu.

Protective colours.
Zaščitne barve.

Children, the certificate belongs to all of you!
Diploma pripada vsem vam, otroci!



Many children joined us for our run towards Fram.

Veliko otrok se nam je pridružilo pri teku proti Framu.

Many parents were present for the meeting at Fram School and Kindergarten.

Pri sprejemu na Osnovni šoli Fram in Vrtcu Fram so bili zraven tudi starši.

Some children made their own torches.

Nekateri otroci so naredili svoje plamenice.

Mayor of the Rače-Fram community, Branko Ledinek.

Župan občine Rače - Fram Branko Ledinek.

Beautiful drawing.
Lepa risba.

Kids relay all the way to Rače.

Otroška štafeta vso pot do Rač.

We had a great ceremony in Rače, with Rače School and Kindergarten.

V Račah smo imeli veliko prireditev z Osnovno šolo Rače in Vrtcem Rače.

The mayor came also to Rače.

Župan je prišel tudi v Rače.

In front of Rače castle.

Pred Gradom Rače.

Running to Ptuj.

Tek do Ptuja.

Ribič restaurant invited us for dinner for the second year in a row. It was not only extremely delicious, but also beautifully presented.

V Gostilni Ribič so nas že drugo leto zapored pogostili ne samo z okusno, ampak tudi z estetsko pripravljeno večerjo.

All the runners were extremely happy. We thank you with all our hearts.

Vsi tekači so bili izredno zadovoljni. Hvala vam iz vsega srca.

The end of another day. We are grateful for the opportunity to meet all these wonderful people every day. It is a real privilege.

Za nami je bil še en dan. Hvaležni smo bili, da se lahko vsak dan srečamo s toliko čudovitimi ljudmi.

– Prakashita

Distance: 57 km

Team Members:
Dipavajan Renner (Austria), Luis Angel (Guatemala), Roos de Waart (Netherlands), Zoltan Theobald (Hungary), Zach Saltzman (USA), Apaguha Vesely (Czech Republic), Sarah Newton (Canada), Kastura Panenkova (Russian Federation), Balavan Thomas (UK), Namitabha Arsic (Serbia), Swetlana Gorshkova (Russian Federation), Anusobhini Rabensova (Czech Republic), Chanakhya Jakovic (UK), Janusz Wiewior (Poland)

You can send a message to the runners or read the messages.

< Slovenia 26 May
Slovenia 28 May >