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- Russia 15 June: Torzhok - Valday
- Russia 14 June: Tver - Torzhok
- Russia 13 June: Moscow - Tver
- Russia 12 June: Moscow
- Russia 11 June: Tula - Moscow
- Russia 10 June: Orel - Tula
- Russia 9 June: Kursk - Orel
- Russia 8 June: Belgorod - Kursk
- Russia 7 June: Kharkov(Ukraine) - Belgorod (Russia)
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Russia 13 June: Moscow - Tver
Today we had to leave Moscow and the comfortable apartment we had been staying in – thanks to Vadim’s parents for hosting us! We drove off quite early in order to be on time for our starting point in the north of the city. However, fighting our way through the traffic, it took us more than one hour to get there.

The first runner was Alexey and Jewgenij, who both ran about 8 km. Unfortunately Jewgenij left afterwards, since tomorrow he will go back to Vienna. The team lost a runner today, but 2 fresh runners have arrived, Janos from Hungary and myself, Peter, from Holland.

The first half of today’s distance we had to do some serious leapfrogging to arrive in time at the meeting point with runners from the Police Academy of Tver!
About a dozen runners joined the last 60 km. From here we ran all the time in a big group. Every 5 kilometers the car would wait for the runners so they could get something to drink or take a break.

Those of us who remained in the car while waiting for our turn to run didn't get bored at all - enjoying the area surrounding the road, playing football - some of us tried to juggle with Martin's juggling balls. Our all-time hero Nataliya again did more than 55 kilometers today, and Petr another 38! I had enough after running 27 kilometers, after all I had run the Self Transcendence 50 km in Amsterdam only 3 days ago!

The weather was nicely sunny, but not warm like it was in Holland the last days. This is the perfect running weather. For me it feels like a blessing to run with the torch, it gives really a lot of energy and you can spread this energy and harmony with the other people who you meet during the day. I also enjoy waving at the car drivers, mostly they wave back. The nicest are the truck drivers, they always beep their horns!

We finished in the beautiful town of Tver. Here a big group of children and of course our friends from the police academy ran with us to the ceremony in the park, where the mayor gave us a warm welcome. From the city we received some beautiful presents. Some of us gave interviews to two of the regional TV stations.

After the ceremony we went to our sleeping-place, a big gymnastic-hall, where most of us, even before bringing their luggage inside, started to enjoy the sport facilities.

For a while we jumped around, climbed up the ropes hanging down from the ceiling, or doing some gymnastic exercises. A little bit of stretching and than we finally had dinner before going to sleep. Ahh...What a day!

Distance: 157km
Team Members:
Alexey Egorov (Russia),Andrea Kevei (Hungary),Janos Derekas (Hungary), Martin Leitner (Austria) Nataliya Lehonkova (Ukraine), Olesya Ilyasova (Russia), Petr Machacek (Czech Republic), Peter Zuidema (Netherlands),
You can send a message to the runners or read the messages.
< Russia 12 June |
Russia 14 June > |