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England 21 April: London - The House of Lords
Today began at MaCaulay Primary School in South London. The runners sang the World Harmony Run song, and were joined by the students clapping to the rhythm. Then the students sang “He's Got The Whole World In His Hands” with a slight twist. In honour of the Run they sang: He's Got The Whole World At His Feet. The students took the Torch for a short run in their playground. When asked if they wanted to carry it to Budapest there were several volunteers.

Shakespeare's Globe Theatre
From MaCaulay Primary the runners carried the torch up the Wandsworth Road to Vauxhall and along the South Bank of the Thames. The weather was perfect - a clear warm sunny day (all too common in London). People waved and cheered as the Run made its way along the river to the famous Globe Theatre, a beautiful reconstruction of Shakespeare's original theatre. Samir Savant, Development Director of the theatre, came out to greet the runners at the iron gates on Bankside. Many of the runners were enjoying their first visit to London, and were delighted to be taken on a brief tour of the theatre.

From the theatre, the run continued east along the river to Tower Bridge. Tower Bridge is a draw-bridge, and the runners had to wait as an old sail boat with a high mast passed through. Hundreds of people were crossing the bridge and took pictures of the torch.
The Tower of London
On the north side of the river the runners entered the Tower of London by the East Gate and proceeded along the Wharf to the Gun Park where they were welcomed by the Chief Yeoman Warder. April 21st is the Queen's birthday, and the Wharf was closed to the general public as the Yeomen prepared for the traditional 62 gun salute. Dressed in full regalia the Chief Yeoman Warder gave the runners a comprehensive history of The Tower and even ran a few paces with the runners.
The City and India House
From The Tower of London the burning torch was carried up Great Tower Street and past Monument - a stone edifice that marks the place where the great fire of London was started. Weaving its way through the financial district of the City of London the run made its way past St Paul’s Cathedral and along Fleet Street to India House. Mr. R Bagchi, Minister of Co-ordination, met the runners. He was delighted to hear about the magnitude of the run, and proud to learn that it was the vision of a fellow countryman, Sri Chinmoy. He too joined the runners for a few paces before sending them on their way.

The British Museum
The runners headed north up Kingsway to the British Museum where they were greeted by the Deputy Director, Dr. Andrew Burnett. Dr. Burnett's welcome was both warm and profound, and he expressed his admiration for the World Harmony Run most eloquently. He highlighted the significance of places like the British Museum and their contribution to world harmony. Kate Soden and several members of the Museum staff were also there to hold the torch. It was a glorious sunny day and the courtyard was full of visitors from around the world. Several children ran with the Torch.

Westminster Abbey
From the British Museum the Run made its way down Charing Cross Road, through Trafalgar Square, along Whitehall to its next rendezvous at Westminster Abbey. The Dean was waiting to greet the runners with a special blessing. He led us to a newly installed plaque to commemorate the “innocent victims of war,” and offered a stirring prayer for harmony in our world.

Westminster Cathedral
From there the runners made the short journey down Victoria Street to Westminster Cathedral where they were greeted by Monsignor Mark Langham. He was very impressed with our experiences on the Run, and very supportive of our dynamic and youthful approach to world harmony. His blessing on the steps of the Cathedral was in turn very inspiring, and he sent us on our way with renewed vigour.

The Run made its way down Vauxhall Road and across the river to its penultimate port of call at Vauxhall Primary School. Under the direction of the Head Teacher, Shirley Wilson, the school had been celebrating Friendship Week in preparation for the arrival of the Run. Before the runners reached the school they had their own Harmony Run on the school grounds and had invited students from Herbert Morrison, St Anne's, and Walnut Tree Walk to join them.

The students read out some wonderful poems they had written on the subject of harmony and friendship, and we were delighted to see hand made banners showing the over 40 different countries represented in the school. The students watched the 7-minute DVD of highlights of the Run in Portugal, Spain, France, Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

As a special treat an adult choir called “Voces Cantabiles” sang the World Harmony Run song, followed by a medley of Disney favourites. The children and runners were in heaven, singing along in harmony to “Akuna Matata.”

The House of Lords
From the school, the Run made its way across Lambeth Bridge to the House of Lords, where we were greeted by Baroness Flather. Baroness Flather hosted a special ceremony in a room overlooking the river Thames. Several guests spoke about the significance of the World Harmony Run including the Olympic Gold medallist David Hemery, former Wales Rugby player Les Duggan, President of the Serpentine Running Club John Walker, running enthusiast Harmander Singh, Education Advisor to the Borough of Lambeth Christabel Maclean, and Head Teacher from Vauxhall Primary Shirley Wilson. Refreshments were served to the sweet sounds of the choir “Voces Cantabiles.”

Distance: 23km
You can send a message to the runners or read the messages.
< England 20 April |
England 22 April > |