• World Harmony Run

    World's Largest Torch Relay
    World Harmony Run

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    1,000,000 Participants

  • Dreaming of a more harmonious world

    100 countries
    Dreaming of Harmony

  • Schools And Kids

    Make a Wish for Peace
    Schools And Kids

  • Sri Chinmoy: World Harmony Run Founder

    World Harmony Run Founder
    Sri Chinmoy

  • Carl Lewis: World Harmony Run Spokesman

    World Harmony Run Spokesman
    Carl Lewis

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    15,000 kms, 100 days
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  • The All Blacks, New Zealand

    The All Blacks
    New Zealand

Serbia 9 July: Jagodina - Niš

A sunny day in Serbia. After a good rest, we were ready for new adventures and new meetings.

Sunčani dan u Srbiji. Nakon dobrog odmora, bili smo spremni za nove avanture i nove susrete.

First stop on our way was Ćuprija, the little city known for its long and successful tradition in running.

Prva stanica na našem putu bila je Ćuprija, mali gradić poznat po svojoj dugačkoj i uspešnoj trkačkoj tradiciji.

..a group photo with some very good local runners...
...grupna fotografija sa nekim veoma dobrim lokalnim trkačima...

...these two boys ran with us all the way to our next meeting place. They are really good runners!
...ova dvojica dečaka trkača pretrčali su ceo put do našeg sledećeg mesta dešavanja. Oni su stvarno vrlo dobri trkači!

..a friendly gasoline station...
...prijateljska benzinska pumpa...

In Paraćin some kids were waiting for us.

U Paraćinu su nas dočekala dečica.

There we had a very warm welcome. Children in their traditional dresses performed some beautiful folk dances for us.

Tamo su nas veoma srdačno primili. Deca, u svojoj tradicionalnoj odeći, pripremila su za nas lepe folklorne igre.

..I was the youngest participant...
...ja sam bio najmlađi učesnik...

..some very interesting shoes...
...neke veoma interesantne cipele...

We gave an interview for a local TV station.

Dali smo intervju za lokalnu TV stanicu.

Our final run through Paraćin, where so many people were very happy that we came.

Naše završno trčanje kroz Paraćin gde je tako mnogo ljudi bilo srećno što smo došli.

Thank you to the police!

Hvala policiji!

A little place, Ražanj, was our next stop.

Malo mesto Ražanj bilo je naša sledeća stanica.

..hello to the world from Ražanj...
...pozdrav svetu iz Ražnja...

..guess what the rules of this game are...
...pogodite koja su pravila ove igre...

Little sportsmen in Rudniku were eagerly waiting to run with the torch.

U Rudniku, mladi sportisti su žudno iščekivali da potrče sa bakljom.

One more traditional welcome at our next meeting place.

Još jedan tradicionalan doček u našem sledećem mestu dešavanja.

..a nice hairstyle...
...lepa frizura...

..again we watched some very beautiful performances...
...opet smo videli neke lepe nastupe...

..and we took a piece of welcome-bread...
...i pojeli po komad lepinje za dobrodošlicu...

..new friends...
...novi prijatelji...

..happiness, happiness, happiness...
...sreća, sreća, sreća...

In Aleksinac, a representative of the city welcomed us with his speech.

U Aleksincu nam je predstavnik grada svojim govorom poželeo dobrodošlicu.

We were delighted by the performance of these little girls.

Oduševio nas je nastup ovih malih devojčica.

.."just dance" and spread harmony...
..."samo pleši" i širi harmoniju...

..the spirit of harmony...
...duh harmonije...

We arrived at our next meeting place, Žitkovac.

Ušli smo u naše sledeće mesto dešavanja Žitkovac.

The meeting was held in a newly built orthodox church...

Susret je održan u novoizgrađenoj pravoslavnoj crkvi...

...where the local priest said a prayer for the World Harmony Run and lit the sacred incense from our sacred torch fire.

...gde je mesni sveštenik očitao molitvu za Trku harmonije sveta i upalio sveti tamjan našom svetom vatrom iz baklje.

..the fragrance of harmony and oneness...
...miris harmonije i jedinstva...

..light from above and light from below...
...svetlost odozgo i svetlost odozdo...

The local priest very kindly took us to another interesting place. This church was built in 1903 and was a gift from the mother of officer Vronski, who was killed at this place two centuries ago, during the war. Vronski was the man whose character was represented by Tolstoy in his very famous novel "Anna Karenina".

Lokalni sveštenik nas je odveo na još jedno interesantno mesto. Ova crkva je izgrađena 1903.g. i poklon je majke oficira Vronskog koji je pre dvesta godina, u toku rata, poginuo na ovom mestu. Vronski je bio čovek čiju je ličnost Tolstoj iskoristio u svom čuvenom romanu "Ana Karenjina".

..a group photo in the place which is a symbol of Russian - Serbian friendship...
...grupna fotografija na mestu koje je simbol rusko-srpskog prijateljstva.....

In Tešice we had another wonderful meeting with locals...

U Tešicama smo opet imali divan susret sa meštanima...

...who performed some traditional dances for us.

...koji su nam pripremili tradicionalne igre.

..some interesting hats..
...neke zanimljive kape...

..joy, joy, joy,...
...radost, radost, radost,...

New friends were waiting for us in Grejač.

Novi prijatelji su nas čekali u Grejaču.

Niš was our last meeting place as well as the biggest meeting for the day.

Niš je bio naše poslednje mesto susreta i u isto vreme najveće mesto za taj dan.

..a nice playback performance...
...lep plejbek nastup...

Together we planted the peace-tree.

Zajedno smo zasadili drvo mira.

Thanks for the delicious food prepared by our local friends!

Hvala na ukusnoj hrani koju su spremili naši prijatelji iz Niša!

This day was so special. We met so many people and felt so much joy!

Ovaj dan je bio tako poseban. Sreli smo mnogo prijatelja i osetili mnogo radosti!

– Kamaneeya

Distance: 102 km

Team Members:
Dipavajan Renner (Austria), Zach Saltzman (USA), Manjula Lecourdier (France), Zoltan Theobald (Hungary), Roos de Waart (Netherlands), Natalia Lehonkova (Ukraine), Dima Lehonkov (Ukraine), Ulvis Salietis (Latvia), Gints Peleckis (Latvia), Ildiko Kuremszki (Hungary)

You can send a message to the runners or read the messages.

< Serbia 8 July
Serbia 10 July >
Macedonia 10 July >