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Slovenia 12 May: Ptuj - Trzic

The day began in Ptuj in Osnovna sola Ljudski Vrt.

Dan se je začel na Ptuju, v Osnovni šoli Ljudski vrt.

The schools gave us an enthusiastic welcome.

Šolarji so nas navdušeno pozdravili.

Everyone joined in with the dancing snake, which was not only a lot of

fun for the kids, but the team seemed to really enjoy it too.

Vsi smo se pridružili plesoči kači, ki ni bila zabavna samo za otroke, ampak smo v njej uživali tudi člani teama.

Primary school Mladika...

Osnovna šola Mladika...

The children gave us high fives as they ran around the playground following

the torch.

Otroci so nam z navdušenjem udarili v roko, ko so tekli okoli igrišča za plamenico.

The children from kindergarden also performed for us.

Prikupen nastop so nam pripravili tudi otroci iz vrtca.

who is this?
kdo je to?

There were so many great performances in the main square of Ptuj.

There was a big and enthusiastic crowd.

Na Ptujskem glavnem trgu smo videli veliko dobrih nastopov, ki so jih spremljali navdušeni gledalci.

Young girls in a nice costumes performed a dynamic dance.

Mlada dekleta v lepih kostumih so zaplesala poskočen ples.

Kids from school Olga Meglic.

Otroci z Osnovne šole Olge Meglič.

The mayor of Ptuj Stefan Celan decided to take us for a run around the city.

Ptujski župan Štefan Čelan je tekel z nami po mestu.

In the Ptuj castle Dima gave us all a treat. What a beauty!

Na Ptujskem gradu se je Dima previl v prekrasno lepotico!

Another charming girls, this time from school Breg.

Še ena očarljiva dekleta, tokrat na osnovni šoli Breg.

In school Breg the principal was just as enthusiastic to hold the torch as the children. Afterwards he treated us with a delicious meal, that they prepaired especially for us. With a renewed strength we continued our journey.

Na Osnovni šoli Breg je ravnatelj prijel plamenico z enakim navdušenjem kot otroci. Po programu nas je povabil na odlično kosilo, ki so ga pripravili posebejza nas. Z obnovljenimi močmi smo nadaljevali naše potovanje.

A chance to enjoy the beautiful nature of Slovenia. Crystal pure water...

Priložnost, da smo uživali v prelepi naravi Slovenije. Kristalno čista voda...

Who is the fastest?
Kdo je najhitrejši?

Little friends.

Mali prijateljici.

Another nice welcome in Slovenske Konjice. The mayor and many inhabitants ran with us.

Še en prijeten sprejem v Slovenskih Konjicah. Župan in precej "Konjičanov" je teklo z nami.

Gongs created a special atmosphere.

Gongi so ustvarili posebno vzdušje.

Our animator was so dynamic and made everyone feel at home.

Naša animatorka je bila tako dinamična, da smo se vsi počutili kot doma.

How can you not appreciate this kind of scenery, while you run through the beautiful countryside?

Kako bi lahko tekel preko prelepe pokrajine, ne da bi občudoval takšen pogled?

Mami, mami, I also want this torch!

Mami, mami, tudi jaz bi imel takšno bakljo!

It seem that many of the Slovene mayors are sportsmen, but mayor of Trzic and MP Borut Sajovic is definitely one of the best. He ran with us for about 10 km, and it did not seem to affect him at all!

Kot kaže, je veliko slovenskih županov športnikov, a župan Tržiča in parlamentarec Borut Sajovic je gotovo eden od najboljših. Z nami je tekel kakih 10 km in zdelo se je, da se sploh ni utrudil.

Hey, do you also want to hold the torch? Don't worry, it will not burn you.

Hej, bi ti tudi prijel plamenico? Brez skrbi, saj te ne bo speklo.

Members of the runnig club named Trzic lightning were running like anything!

"Tržiške strele" so tekle kot strele!

We ended the day with a brass band, modern dance performances and

great local runners that included the mayor.

Dan smo zaključili s pihalnim orkestrom, plesnimi nastopi in navdušenimi tekači, ki so nas spremljali zadnjih nekaj kilometrov.

The mayor was such a great example to all, as he ran the last leg of the day

to his own city. It was something special and you can see this written on his face.

Župan je bil pravi vzgled za someščane, ko je pritekel v svoje mesto. To je bilo gotovo nekaj posebnega, kar se vidi na njegovem obrazu.

Two ultra distance runners - Dusan Mravlje, a famous one and our team member (not so famous one...)

Dva ultra maratonca - znani Dušan Mravlje in ne tako znana članica našega teama.

These four dancers wowed the assembled crowd with thier amazing footwork.

So impressive at such a young age.

Štirje mladi plesalci so nas vse navdušili s svojim akrobatskim plesom. Tako mladi, pa že tako dobri!

– Chanakhya

Distance: 88 km

Team Members:
Dipavajan Renner (Austria), Dima Lehonkov (Ukraine), Natalia Lehonkova (Ukraine), Ksenia Soboleva (Russia), Daria Soboleva (Russia), Chanakhya Jakovic (USA), Balavan Thomas (UK), Janusz Wiewior (Poland), Theresia Hammel (Hungary), Michaela Pokorna (Czech Republic)

You can send a message to the runners or read the messages.

< Slovenia 11 May
Slovenia 13 May >