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  • Sri Chinmoy: World Harmony Run Founder

    World Harmony Run Founder
    Sri Chinmoy

  • Carl Lewis: World Harmony Run Spokesman

    World Harmony Run Spokesman
    Carl Lewis

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Slovenia 14 May: Ljubljana - Postojna

Today we started our day in LJUBLJANA - the capital of Slovenia. Beside all the great kids we also met the President of the Republic of Slovenia and the President of the parliament. But this comes a bit later...

Danes smo začeli dan v LJUBLJANI - glavnem mestu Slovenije. Poleg vseh čudovitih otrok smo se srečali s predsednikom Republike Slovenije in s predsednikom Državnega zbora. A o tem malo kasneje...

First we visited five primary schools in Ljubljana: Božidarja Jakca, Ketteja in Murna, Vodmat, Majde Vrhovnik in Poljane.

Najprej smo obiskali pet ljubljanskih osnovnih šol: OŠ Božidarja Jakca, OŠ Ketteja in Murna, OŠ Vodmat, OŠ Majde Vrhovnik in OŠ Poljane.

Every day we meet so many children, but time and again ... and again... and again... and again... we are amazed by their willingness and enthusiasm. It enters into us as well!

Vsak dan srečujemo veliko otrok, a vedno spet in spet... in spet... in spet... in spet... nas presenetita njihovo navdušenje in veselje, ki vstopita tudi v nas!

Soon to be the members of our team...

Še malo, pa bodo tudi oni člani našega teama...

Hi, I am Ksenya. And I am Dasha.
Živijo, jaz sem Ksenja. Jaz pa Daša.

How long have you been running?
Kako dolgo že tečete?

"You and me, we build friendship..."
"Jaz in ti, midva gradiva prijateljstvo..."

...such a good friends...

...tako dobri prijatelji...

Not only the children, also the teachers are eager to hold the torch!

Ne samo otroci, tudi učiteljice želijo prijeti plamenico!

Holding the torch together is one of the best things!

Držati plamenico skupaj z drugimi je nekaj najboljšega!

Our young friends prepared a surprise for us - they learned the World Harmony Run song in only 15 minutes!

Naši mladi prijatelji so nam pripravili presenečenje - pesem Teka svetovne harmonije so se naučili v samo petnajstih minutah!

Slovene champion in violine playing in his age group.

Slovenski prvak v igranju violine v njegovi starostni skupini.

If we can run together in peace in harmony, we can also live together in peace and harmony. No problem for us!!!

Če lahko tečemo skupaj v miru in harmoniji lahko tudi živimo skupaj v miru in harmoniji. Za nas to ni težava!!!

Oh, a naughty dwarf was running arround and putting stickers on girls hair. Did you see him?!

Oh, nagajivi škrat je tekel okoli in lepil nalepke na lase deklet. Ali si ga kje videl?!

The children are our favorite participants. I guess you can understand why!

Otroci so naši najljubši sodelujoči. Verjetno ni potrebno razlagati zakaj!

I have the whole world on my arms!
Ves svet imam na rokah!

Ku ku!

Ku ku!

Vita and Prakashita, a neice and an aunt.

Vita in Prakashita, nečakinja in teta.

I love runing!!!
Zelo rad tečem!!!

Now I am also a member of the World Harmony Run team!
Zdaj sem tudi jaz član Teka svetovne harmonije!

Tired from the run Dima recieved a refreshing massage from the children.

Utrujen od teka je Dima prejel krepčilno masažo od otrok.

From children...

... to the Slovene parliament.

Od otrok...

... v Državni zbor Republike Slovenije.

Some children came with us.

Nekaj otrok smo vzeli s sabo.

It has become a very good tradition for the World Harmony Run to visit the Slovene Parliament. President of the Parliament dr. Pavel Gantar warmly greeted our team - here he is shaking hands with our team leader.

Obisk Teka svetovne harmonije v Državnem zboru RS je postal že lepa tradicija. Predsednik Državnega zbora dr. Pavel Gantar je toplo pozdravil naš team - na fotografiji se rokuje z vodjo našega mednarodnega teama.

Young virtuoso...

Mladi virtuoz...

... charmed all of us, including the president.

... je očaral vse, tudi predsednika.

"The Torch Bearer Award" is presented to people that live and manifest the ideas and ideals of The World Harmony Run. President dr. Pavel Gantar undoubtedly deserves it.

Nagrado "Nosilec plamenice" prejmejo tisti, ki s svojim življenjem in delom udejanjajo ideje in ideale Teka svetovne harmonije. Predsednik dr. Pavel Gantar si jo nedvomno zasluži.

Borut Sajovic, mayor of Tržič and MP, this time in official outlook (see the report from 12th May!), joined the president in greeting the runners.

Borut Sajovic, župan Tržiča in parlamentarec, tokrat v "uradni uniformi" (poglejte poročilo 12. maja!), se je pridružil predsedniku pri sprejemu tekačev.

He was sincerely happy to meet with his friends (that's us!!) again.

Iskreno se je razveselil ponovnega srečanja s svojimi prijatelji (to smo mi!!).

We will carry all your good wishes with us in our flaming torch!

Vse vaše dobre misli bomo ponesli s sabo v naši goreči plamenici!

The President of the Republic of Slovenia kindly invited us to his residency.

Predsednik Republike Slovenije nas je prijazno povabil v predsedniško palačo.

Anticipating the arrival of the president...

V pričakovanju predsednikovega prihoda...

The leader of our international team officially handed the torch to the president.

Vodja našega mednarodnega teama je predsedniku uradno predal plamenico.

President of the Republic of Slovenia dr. Danilo Türk.

Predsednik Republike Slovenije dr. Danilo Türk.

We were proud and honoured to offer him the "Torch Bearer Award"!

Bilo nam je v čast in ponos, da smo mu lahko podelili nagrado "Nosilec plamenice"!

He shook hands with all of us....

Rokoval se je z vsemi prisotnimi...

...including the children...

...vključno z otroci...

With his speech and attitude the president proved to us, that he is really a man of peace and harmony, so we hope he does not mind if we dare to call him our new member of the World Harmony Run team.

S svojim govorom in nastopom nam je predsednik dokazal, da je resnično človek miru in harmonije. Upamo, da nima nič proti, če si ga drznemo imeti za našega novega člana teama Teka svetovne harmonije.

The President with the international team...

Predsednik z mednarodnim teamom...

... and with the whole group. Thank you again, Mr. President, for giving us the opportunity to share our efforts and inspiration with you. Let us continue to work together for peace and harmony!

... in s celotno skupino. Še enkrat hvala, gospod predsednik, da ste nam dali priložnost, da smo lahko delili z vami svoja prizadevanja in navdih. Upamo, da bomo tudi v prihodnje lahko naredili kaj skupaj za mir in harmonijo!

After an intense day we arrived to Postojna. At the entrance of the world attraction - Postojna cave.

Po intenzivnem dnevu smo prispeli v Postojno. Pred vhodom v svetovno atrakcijo - Postojnsko jamo.

Ms. Arko, representative from Jama Hotel kindly greeted us and gave us joy with her enthusiasm. Hotel Jama provided accommodation for the whole team, for what we are extremely grateful!

Ga. Arko, predstavnica Hotela Jama nas je prijazno pričakala in nas razveselila s svojim navdušenjem. Hotel Jama je celotni ekipi ponudil prenočišče, za kar smo jim zares hvaležni!

The famous cave in Postojna (without light...)!

Znamenita postojnska jama (brez luči...)!

Good bye, Postojna and see you next time!

Nasvidenje Postojna in se vidimo prihodnjič!

– Prakashita

Distance: 55 km

Team Members:
Dipavajan Renner (Austria), Dima Lehonkov (Ukraine), Balavan Thomas (UK), Natalia Lehonkova (Ukraine), Ksenia Soboleva (Russia), Chanakhya Jakovic (USA), Daria Soboleva (Russia), Janusz Wiewior (Poland), Theresia Hammel (Hungary), Michaela Pokorna (Czech Republic), Ekagra Prankl (Austria), Drsalu Grünstäudl (Austria), Andreas Zand (Austria), Nisanga (Bosnia i Herzegovina)

You can send a message to the runners or read the messages.

< Slovenia 13 May
Slovenia 15 May >