• World Harmony Run

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  • Sri Chinmoy: World Harmony Run Founder

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    Sri Chinmoy

  • Carl Lewis: World Harmony Run Spokesman

    World Harmony Run Spokesman
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Slovenia 10 May: Hodos (border) - Ptuj

The Hungarian Team, which so heroically ran through Hungary, crossed the border from Hungary to Slovenia with our international team.

Again, thanks for all the hospitality and great team spirit! We will definitely miss Hungary!

Naš madžarski team, ki je tako junaško tekel z nami preko Madžarske, je skupaj z mednarodnim teamom prečkal mejo med Slovenijo in Madžarsko.

Še enkrat hvala za vso gostoljubnost in neverjeten skupinski duh! Brez dvoma bomo pogrešali Madžarsko!

The Hungarian Mayor from Bajansenye carried the flaming torch over the border and passed it to the Slovenian Mayor from Hodos...

Madžarski župan občine Bajasenye je ponesel gorečo plamenico preko meje in jo podal slovenskemu županu Hodoša..

A small, but hearty reception took place and an unusually large crowd with runners from more than 10 countries gathered to celebrate the sucessful Hungarian Run and the start of the Slovenian WHR!

S kratko, a prisrčno proslavo, na kateri se nas je zbralo nenavadno veliko tekačev iz več kot desetih držav, smo proslavili zaključek uspešnega madžarskega teka in začetek slovenskega Teka svetovne harmonije!

A touching performance...
prisrčen nastop...

Soon after we said goodbye to Hungary, we started into the beautiful countryside of Slovenia.

Kmalu za tem, ko smo se poslovili od Madžarske, smo se podali na pot po prelepi pokrajini Slovenije.

Our first meeting took place at the 3-country point between Slovenia, Austria and Hungary.

Runners from all 3 countries carried torches up the small mountain, which was dedicated to Peace and Harmony on May 1st 2004, as Slovenia and Hungary joined the European Union and Mayors from the three neighbouring communities, together with Sri Chinmoy, the founder of the World Harmony Run, errected a monument as an inspiration to humanity.

Naše prvo srečanje smo imeli na Tromeji med Slovenijo, Avstrijo in Madžarsko. Tekači iz vseh treh držav smo - vsak s svoje strani - prinesli plamenico na vrh hriba, ki je bil 1. maja 2004 posvečen miru in harmoniji, ko sta se Slovenija in Madžarska priključili Evropski Uniji.

A ceremony with the three Harmony Run Teams took place and as a highlight, a special bouquet was placed at the monument...

Vsi trije teami Teka svetovne harmonije smo skupaj proslavili ta dogodek in k obeležju položili poseben šopek v obliki srca...

Even live music was provided...
Imeli smo celo živo glasbo...

Another highlight: a great buffet!
še ena "znamenitost": odlična hrana!

Our next event brought us to Cankova.

Two years ago the Slovenian Mayor of Cankova and the Austrian Mayor of Klöch dedicated a bridge to World Harmony.

Pot nas je pripeljala do naslednjega srečanja v Cankovi.

Pred dvemi leti sta slovenski župan Cankove in avstrijski župan Klocha posvetila most harmoniji v svetu.

As we wanted to continue this good tradition, the torch once more arrived at the Harmony Bridge. The Slovenian Mayor himself carried the torch and handed it over to the Austrian Mayor.

Ker smo želeli nadaljevati to lepo tradicijo smo s plamenico ponovno prišli na Most harmonije. Slovenski župan je skupaj s tekači prinesel plamenico in jo podal avstrijskemu županu.

Our Slovenian organiser...
naš slovenski organizator...

In the afternoon we reached Randenci, a famous Spa.

Popoldne smo prišli v Radence, do znamenitega zdravilišča.

The Mayor of Randenci, the director of marketing and the director of tourism received our team. Even the Mayor took a few steps for Harmony!

Župan Radencev, direktor marketinga in direktorica turistične organizacije so nam pripravili sprejem. Tudi župan je naredil nekaj korakov za harmonijo!

A prominent new American team member!
naš novo prispeli pomembni ameriški član teama!

After a long hot afternoon under the burning Slovenian sun we reached our final destination: Ptuj.

Po dolgem vročem popoldnevu na žgočem slovenskem soncu smo prispeli na naš današnji cilj: Ptuj.

With the final steps, we reached the Terme Ptuj.

Zadnji koraki so nas pripeljali do Term Ptuj.

Special thanks to the director of the "Grand Hotel Primus", who generously accommodated our international team in the beautiful modern 4-star Spa hotel.

Prav posebna zahvala direktorju "Grand hotela Primus", ki je velikodušno ponudil prenočišče našemu celotnemu mednarodnemu teamu v zdraviliškem hotelu s štirimi zvezdicami!

Another big hand for the manager of the restaurant "Gostilna Ribic", who provided us with a gorgeous dinner which made us sleep like babies.

This was quite an eventful first day in Slovenia!

Še ena velika zahvala vodji Gostilne Ribič, ki nas je pogostila z izjemno večerjo, po kateri smo zaspali kot dojenčki.

To je bil zares doživet prvi dan v Sloveniji!

– Dipavajan

Distance: 116 km

Team Members:
Dipavajan Renner (Austria), Dima Lehonkov (Ukraine), Natalia Lehonkova (Ukraine), Ksenia Soboleva (Russia), Daria Soboleva (Russia), Chanakhya Jakovic (USA), Balavan Thomas (UK), Janusz Wiewior (Poland), Theresia Hammel (Hungary), Michaela Pokorna (Czech Republic)

You can send a message to the runners or read the messages.

< Hungary 9 May
Slovenia 11 May >