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Slovenia 13 May: Trzic - Bled

Try to see a world through the eyes of a child...

Ko bi le lahko videli svet skozi oči otroka...

After a good night sleep in the mountains - mayor of Trzic offered us a nice "mountain" accomodation in Ljubelj with an extremely good home made food - here we are again: a new day, a new enthusiastic school and a new inspiration.

Po krepčilnem spancu v gorah - župan Tržiča nas je počastil z nastanitvijo v koči na Ljubelju z izredno okusno domačo hrano - gremo naprej: nov dan, nova navdušena šola in nov navdih.

Primary school Trzic - here we are all World harmony run team members. To become a member of our team three things are needed - to know the motto of the Run: "Harmony begins with me,"...

Osnovna šola Tržič - tu smo vsi člani teama Teka svetovne harmonije. Da bi postal del našega teama so potrebne tri stvari - poznati je treba slogan Teka: "Harmonija se prične z menoj," ...

... to hold the torch...

... prijeti plamenico...

... and to run with the torch. Do you also want to become a part of our team?

... in teči s plamenico. Bi tudi ti rad postal del našega teama?

The school choir sang extremely good. We as singers - at every meeting we sing our World Harmony Run song - are no match for them.

Šolski zbor je zapel neverjetno dobro. Mi kot pevci - na vsakem srečanju namreč zapojemo pesem teka svetovne harmonije - se sploh ne moremo primerjati z njimi.

After the school we visited two kindergarten.

Po šoli smo obiskali dva vrtca.

We are also a team members, even if we are a little kids!
Tudi mi smo del teama, čeprav smo še majhni otroci!

Can I also hold the torch?
Ali lahko tudi jaz primem plamenico?

Harmony and friendship we can feel in our heart.

Harmonijo in prijateljstvo lahko začutimo v svojem srcu.

Wonder and joy in childrens' eyes.

Začudenje in veselje v otroških očeh.

We visited the famous ski production of the Slovenian company ELAN. Unfortunaltely we couldn't take pictures - they have to keep their secrets! - but we got a very nice guided tour.

Obiskali smo znano tovarno smuči ELAN. Na žalost v tovarni nismo smeli fotografirati - da ne bi odkrili njihovih skrivnosti! - smo pa imeli zelo zanimiv voden ogled.

white beauty
beli lepotec

In the afternoon, after a relatively easy running day, we reached Bled, a real jewel in the mountain region of Slovenia. A hearty reception at the city hall took place...

Popoldan, po razmeroma lahkem tekaškem dnevu, smo prišli na Bled, ki je pravi dragulj v gorskem delu Slovenije. V prostorih občine smo imeli prisrčen sprejem...

Nathalia, the new mayor of Bled...
Nathalia, nova blejska županja...

Can there be anything better than a line of Bled cream cakes?
Ali obstaja kaj boljšega kot cela vrsta blejskih kremnih rezin?

Want to be my friend?
Bi hotel biti moj prijatelj?

Ga, ga, ga.... we want to be your friends.
Ga, ga, ga... me želimo biti tvoje prijateljice.

The castle of Bled rose between the trees out of the mist...

Blejski grad se je skozi meglice zarisal med drevesi...

This romantic boats can take you to the island in the lake...

Te romantične ladjice te lahko odpeljejo na otok na jezeru...

Slovenia - nature's beauty Utopia.

Slovenija - pravljična lepota narave.

Three "old boys"...
Trije "stari fantje"...

– Prakashita

Distance: 27 km

Team Members:
Dipavajan Renner (Austria), Dima Lehonkov (Ukraine), Balavan Thomas (UK), Natalia Lehonkova (Ukraine), Ksenia Soboleva (Russia), Chanakhya Jakovic (USA), Daria Soboleva (Russia), Janusz Wiewior (Poland), Theresia Hammel (Hungary), Michaela Pokorna (Czech Republic)

You can send a message to the runners or read the messages.

< Slovenia 12 May
Slovenia 14 May >