Australia May 22: Geelong
We spent today visiting schools in Geelong, starting with Hamlyn Banks Primary School. They invited us into their assembly, where we spoke about the run and heard from the children their suggestions on how to create harmony in their families and school. After the assembly we took a group of kids outside to experience a mini World Harmony Run in the playground. The sincerity on their faces as they each held the torch and made a wish for world harmony was truly heart-warming! During their run around the playground they inspired us with their enthusiasm and energy, as did their headmaster Mr Heywood who also took a turn with the torch.

Our next school visit was to Herne Hill Primary , which was only a kilometre or two away, giving us the opportunity for a lovely slow jog, which for some of the team was a good way to recover from yesterday's half marathon on the Great Ocean Road. The students at Herne Hill impressed us with their awareness of environmental issues, and their understanding of how important our environment is to our feelings of harmony. It was a pleasure to be with such inquisitive students, bursting with questions about the details of the run. All the students present had the opportunity to hold the torch, and we were delighted to hear a short presentation from one of the students about what harmony meant to her.

Our last school for the day was The Geelong College where we attended the year 7 and 8 assembly. What a wonderful production they put on for us! The assembly began with a piano performance by one of the students, and then came a wonderful talk on harmony offered with a deeply spiritual Christian perspective from one of the teachers. She had some great quotes from Mahatma Gandhi all of which really fitted with the spirit of the World Harmony Run. My favourite was "You must be the change you want to see in the world." Very inspiring! After this, we were treated to a very impressive power point presentation on the World Harmony Run and it's founder Sri Chinmoy, put together by the students. Finally the talented music teacher Leanne McCartney treated us to a performance of her own arrangement of the World Harmony Run song, performed by the junior choir. What a great arrangement! What superlative singing!! It was a delight to see how this school had really taken the message of the World Harmony Run to heart and put so much effort into their presentation. It seemed to us that the message of the run was already integrated into their school life.

Sushmitam and the Team
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