Australia May 23: Geelong
The Australian leg of the World Harmony Run was officially launched today at a ceremony in Johnstone Park Geelong, which students from 8 schools attended - a total of about 400 children.

The spectacle began with the children walking to the ceremony from their schools, carrying aloft coloured balloons with the World Harmony Run logo. Following their arrival, the mayor, Cr Peter McMullin welcomed the World Harmony Run to Geelong and spoke about the aims of the run. He was followed by state members of parliament Ian Trezise, MP and Michael Crutchfield, MP, both enthusiastically urging the young members of the audience to work together for a harmonious world. Lee Troup, Olympic Marathoner then inspired all present with his understanding of the importance of sport in bringing people of all nations and cultures together.

We were fortunate to have 2 of Geelong's newest residents, both from Sudan, and current students of Geelong North Secondary College, speak about their experience of migrating to Australia. Everyone present was very moved by their words.
Next Monsigneor James Murray, chairperson of the Interfaith Network in Geelong introduced members of different faiths, who all held the torch. Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, Bah'ai, Christian Scientist and Quaker faith were all represented.
Cr Barb Abley then called on representatives of different national groups to hold the torch. Geelong is such a wonderfully multicultural city! We had representatives from countries all through Europe, Africa and Asia!

Children from each of the primary schools then held the torch and offered their feelings on harmony. Finally we finished with Geelong College Primary School once again performing their brilliant arrangement of the World Harmony Run song (we can’t wait to receive a copy!), as well as an African folk song. Finally to the enthusiastic cheering of all present, the World Harmony Run team began their journey to Sydney.
-A very exhausted Sushmitam and Melinda
You can send a message to the runners or read the messages.