Australia May 25: Melbourne
We arrived at St Thomas the Apostle Primary school just before 9AM on a sunny but brisk Melbourne morning.
The year 5 and 6 students formed a guard of honor for the World Harmony Runners from the school driveway all the way to the assembly hall where 300 students eagerly awaited our arrival which marked the start of their Harmony Day Celebrations.

We spoke to the students about the goals of the Harmony Run and how on this very day there were also runs taking place in America, Bulgaria and St Kitts where runners were visiting schools just like their own. (I do not think any of the kids knew where St Kitts was but they had all heard of the West Indies! St Kitts is a small island in the Caribbean).
After speaking with the students we adjourned to the playground where all the students held the torch and made their own personal wish for world harmony.
We received another enthusiastic welcome at Our Lady's Primary School in Wattle Park.The children were all assembled in the playground and cheered loudly as we ran in.

Many of the students had spent the previous days preparing for our visit. We were treated to recitals of some beautiful and inspiring poems on the theme of World Harmony. A special mention must be made of the colourful drawings presented by the year 1 class.

The children then put on an enthusiastic aerobics performance for the World Harmony Runners. It was particularly pleasing to see the teachers in the back row happily joining in the performance.

Pushpendra and the Team
You can send a message to the runners or read the messages.