Scotland 23 April: Edinburgh - Stonehaven
Edinburgh – local event, Aberdeen – Stonehaven

We are so glad to be in Scotland again! Green hills, old castles, woolly sheep, steep cliffs...

Quiet beauty

Although we started our running in Aberdeen, the Scottish World Harmony Run saw a dignified opening ceremony at no less prominent a place than the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh.

MSP Robin Harper, one of the two Green MSPs, gave us a heartening welcome and showed us around.

We were invited into the parliament building to a royal breakfast and were afterwards cheered along by an ensemble of Scottish bagpipe players who represented three generations of a timeless tradition.

Their dynamic and powerful playing thrilled all of us beyond description, sharing with us, or rather implanting in us, the pure, true homeland spirit of this brave, fearless nation.

With such powerfully transforming blessings we were sent on our way, once again reminded by Mr Harper's farewell speech of the importance and significance of the World Harmony Run.

We then had a visit to the Royal Mile Primary School, where we met an enthusiastic group of international youngsters.

Their eagerness to run with us brought us into the perfect mood to start our Scottish running with an abundance of joy, happiness and commitment.
We left Edinburgh at 11am. and arrived in Aberdeen at 2:30pm.

Once in Aberdeen we were received by Rev. Stephen Taylor, who welcomed us into the Kirk of St. Nicholas, one of Scotlands oldest churches, which dates back to the 12th century.
As we stood in front of the ancient building, admiring its beauty, the bells started playing the Peace Run Song composed by Sri Chinmoy. The the City Carilloneur Ronald Leith mastered the tune with great ease and perfection, despite its challenging melody.
We met with Reverend Easter Smart, the young and dynamic Chaplain of Aberdeen University, who took us on a run down the beach and back through the city of Aberdeen. The powerful stride of the athletic minister combining with nature's exquisite beauty made this a breathtaking experience!

We were very happy that young female boxer Laurna Robertson joined us too. She was so enthusiastic and full of energy.

On our return Reverend Easter Smart invited us into the University Chapel, built in 1495, to bless us with a selection of prayers suiting the occasion of the Harmony Run.

In this same chapel the poetry of Sri Chinmoy will be read as part of Aberdeen's Word '08 Literary Festival in May.
After the prayer we were once again in high spirits, ready to leave for our next destination, Stonehaven.

As we made our way along the impressive Scottish coastline, haar was closing in so densely that one could barely see more than a few yards, which made the runners take a few unwanted turns thus lengthening their journey. Despite these obstacles we soon hit the dual carriageway connecting Aberdeen with Stonehaven.

Distance: 27km
Team Members:
Ondrej Vesely, Pataka Spacek, Jara Rosa, Kamila Hozlarova (Czech Republic), Marc Schrader, Evelyn Schmedemann (Germany), Jarek Werner (Poland), Janani Spence, Janaka Spence, Bhauliya Moss (Scotland)
You can send a message to the runners or read the messages.
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