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- Italy 24 April: Alessandria - Genova
- Italy 23 April: Mercenasco - Alessandria
- Italy 22 April: Romagnano Sesia - Mercenasco
- Italy 2 April: Milano - Ponte Tresa
- Italy 1 April: Reggio nell'Emilia - Milano
- Italy 31 March: Bologna - Reggio Emilia
- Italy 30 March: Greve - Firenze - Bologna
- Italy 29 March: Perugia - Greve
- Italy 28 March: Terni - Perugia
- Italy 27 March: Roma Opening Ceremony - Terni
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Italy 22 April: Romagnano Sesia - Mercenasco
A majestic skyline of snow-covered mountains greeted us on this new World Harmony Run day in Italy.

We had our first meeting today in Lozzolo. The mayor and kids from the local primary school welcomed us and we enjoyed time together at the school. Refreshments were served and our visit ended with an "autograph session".

As we went further on, we met the assessore of sports for Roasio San Maurizio. He improvised a quick meeting for us with primary school children.

The kids really picked up the idea of harmony, especially when the teachers where running with the torch. All of them joined in spontaneously!

Police met us as we entered Biella, to escort us to the main square. The kids from two local primary schools, the "assessore of sport" and local media greeted us there.

A short run was organised...

A delegation of kids carried the flaming torch up to the city hall and handed it to the mayor.

Snowy mountains all day long...
We proceeded further into the most beautiful region of Piemonte, a real garden, bedded at the feet of huge mountains but still close to the Mediterranean Sea.

Finally we reached Mercenasco, where the mayor and a delegation of villagers awaited us. The square was already nicely decorated for the ceremony, scheduled for the next morning...
Distance: 80km
Team Members:
Dipavajan Renner (Austria), David Mouton (France), Csaba Kavai (Hungary), Marjan Jauk (Slovenia) Namitabha Arsic (Serbia), Nivedak Corradini and Andrea Marcato (Italy)
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Gallery: See more images!
< Italy 2 April |
Italy 23 April > Scotland 23 April > |