USA 9 July: Center of US, SD To Rapid City, SD

Elaine was inspired to put on her running shoes.
Video of the first month in USA
As the runners ran to City Park in Spearfish, there were some locals waiting there enthusiastically for us. Mary Morgan from the City Council and Elaine Doll-Dunn a runner, school counselor and women’s marathon race organizer, greeted us along with Heather from the local newspaper, the Black Hills Pioneer. All three women were so happy to see us and meet all the runners even though they did not know what to expect at first.

After a short and sweet ceremony and some photos, Elaine was inspired to put on her running shoes from the car and run out with Edi for a few miles. She said afterwards that we inspired her to remember her running goals and even at the age of 60+, she is still able to train for and run marathons. This was truly a memorable way to run out of Spearfish as we headed towards Rapid City in the beautiful and hilly Black Hills.

Making our way to Rapid City later in the day, we ran to the local YMCA. We were greeted there by two T.V. stations and the newspaper, the Rapid City Journal. KOTA TV and KEVN FOX 7 both filmed two of our runners running in with the Torch and our banner.

They filmed the ceremony on the steps of the building where we were joined by some staff members and parents and children who had just been swimming in the pool and came out in their bathing suits to catch the action there.

We are so grateful to Rhonda, the building supervisor, as well as Emily and Roger who could not be there unfortunately. Even when we get only a handful of people to join us, it is very meaningful and uplifting to see that there are always harmony lovers around to share our message. We are also always thankful that the media would spend some time covering our story and sharing it with others.

We stayed in Rapid City for the night in wonderful accommodations offered by Teresa and her family at the Imperial Hotel. She was so kind in waiting for us to come and pick up our keys as the office would close before we arrived after our meal.

We had dinner offered to us by the Millstone Family Restaurant that evening and are very grateful for the generosity of Ted, the manager, and the great service from Janet, our waitress.


and Team Harmony
You can send a message to the runners or read the messages.
< USA 8 July |
USA 10 July > |