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- USA 26 October: Lake Mary, FL
- USA 15 - 25 Oct: UN General Assembly - Delegates Entrance Harmony Art Exhibit includes Torch display
- USA 14 Oct: UN Headquarters - Delegates Entrance to GA Building - Preview of Art Exhibit
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- World-Harmony-Run Song
- Torch-Bearer Award
USA 15 - 25 Oct: UN General Assembly - Delegates Entrance Harmony Art Exhibit includes Torch display
Paintings for Peace and World Harmony - Opening of Exhibit - Speakers
- Archbishop Desmund Tutu (preview visit)
- H.E. Ambassador Abulkalam Abdul Momen, Permanent Representative of the Mission of the People's Republic of Bangladesh to the United Nations
- H.E. Ambassador Davidson Hepburn, President (2009 - 2011) of the General Conference of Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
- Ms. Ranjana Ghose, Director of the Jharna Kala Art foundation and curator of Sri Chinmoy's Art,
- Jacqueline Terrassa, who is the Managing Museum Educator, for Gallery and Studio Programs at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
- Mr. Kurt A. Behrendt, Assistant Curator at Metropolitan Museum of Art
- Ms. Nilima Silver, Programme Co-ordinator and Secretary, Sri Chinmoy: the Peace Meditation at the United Nations
A torch from the Peace and World Harmony Runs was part of an exhibit at the UN between 15th and 25 October.
This exhibition is dedicated to a Culture of Peace and World-Harmony and was scheduled for 15-26 October. Opening Reception: Monday, 15 October 2012, 6 p.m. United Nations Headquarters, Delegates Entrance to the General Assembly Building
(Recent Photo of the torch being held 07 November 2012 in Vietnam)
(2011-Mar-24 usa, torch gave much joy before and during the St Petersburg Illuminated Night Parade.)
The exhibit endeavours to "enrich other's lives through the beauty of art and in so doing, to promote the ideals of peace, compassion, benevolence, non-violence, oneness and human understanding, which are so fundamentally necessary for humankind's peaceful co-existence." - from Exhibition programme notes.
Introduction Ms. Nilima Silver, Programme Co-ordinator and Secretary, Sri Chinmoy: the Peace Meditation at the United Nations:
"We are very fortunate, as some of you may have seen in video
over there, our first visitor / guest yesterday was Archbishop Desmund Tutu.,
Who made the time to come and view the paintings. He was very happy of this effort for a Culture of Peace." (Link for more from 14 Oct visit by the Archbishop)
"This morning the President of the UN General Assembly, His Excellency, Mr. Vuk Jeremić, was appreciating the paintings and of course Bangladesh's continued efforts for a culture of peace.
Introducing H.E. Ambassador Abulkalam Abdul Momen, Permanent Representative of Bangladesh to the United Nations:
The Ambassador has a multifaceted career, in academia, diplomacy and economics.
- He worked at the World Bank before coming to the UN.
- He taught at Harvard, MIT and many other universities before
- he came in 2009 to be the permanent representative of Bangladesh to the United Nations..
"He distinguished himself in many elected positions:
- president of the UN Children's fund (UNICEF) Executive Board,
- chairman of the General Assembly Second Committee,
- a Vice president of ECOSOC,
- he is currently a Vice President of the General assembly and the list goes on...
"He has received many awards for his humanitarian and social endeavours. And he has continued to carry the bannor for a culture of peace. He is an invaluable asset to Bangladesh and to the United Nations. We are extremely grateful for his continued leadership, guidance and support.
"Excellences, distinguished colleagues and friends, thank you for joining us today, for the opening at the United Nations of the Exhibit: “Paintings for World Harmony” by artist Sri Chinmoy, dedicated to a “Culture of Peace” as expressed through the arts.
"Bangladesh has always been one of the main promoters of the “Culture of Peace”: both here at the United Nations and elsewhere. Tonight we are very proud to present the work of a beloved son of Bengal: Sri Chinmoy. For decades he offered the Bengali culture light to music and arts lovers around the world. Inspiring many to learn songs he had composed in our native tongue.
"The members of the instrumental group (pictured above) we have just heard, for example, hail all the way from Switzerland, "Yet have been performing his songs in Bangla, the sixth largest speaking language in the world.
(Soloist Kushali Tatyana Tarantsova from the Ukraine performed on violin)
"For over 37 years Sri Chinmoy graced the august halls of the United Nations. In 1970, then Secretary-General U Thant, invited Sri Chinmoy to lead twice weekly peace meditations for delegates and staff at UN Headquarters in NY, which he did until his passing in 2007.
(Sri Chinmoy and Secretary-General U Thant.)
"These meditations and other activities of Sri Chinmoy: the Peace Meditation at the United Nations, continue to this day.
"Indeed, since the first Bangladesh sponsored resolution and the UN General Assembly adaptation in 1999 of the declaration and a programme of action for a Culture of Peace, there have been several of his activities here at the U.N. supporting this important initiative, as many of you may remember.
"And I can think of no better place for his art, to be displayed than here at the U.N. headquarters on behalf of international affairs and diplomacy, serving as a reminder of a firm and resolute commitment to global peace.
"Bangladesh is one of the top UN Contributing countries of the world that allows its men and women, under the UN flagship to help promote and stabilize peace across nations.
"Although we, Bengalese claim Sri Chinmoy as our own, his message is global in scope. In fact, I first became acquainted with his spiritual philosophy when I was at the Harvard University, where he often lectured and gave concerts. I came to know some of his devotees who were working at Harvard, MIT, Boston and the North Eastern University Libraries that house an extensive collection of his books and music.
"From university classrooms to United Nations conference rooms, Sri Chinmoy inspired many with his illuminating vision of love. He was an ardent believer in the founding principles and goals of this world body. In his own words, and I quote, 'the outer message of the United Nations is peace, the inner message of the United Nations is love. The inmost message of the United Nations is oneness'.
("Peace is priceless." -Sri Chinmoy)
"Peace, Love and oneness and many other Divine qualities radiate from these beautiful paintings. In a very tangible way their silent beauty speaks to us, perhaps more powerfully than any other words to continue striving for a culture of peace in our own lives and in the world at large.
" Culture of peace believes that all wars and misunderstanding, and violence emanate from a mind-set of hatred, ignorance and intolerance. By inculcating a mind-set of tolerance, love, diversity and love for others we can overcome wars and threats.
"In this spirit, I encourage all f you this evening to enjoy the artwork, the music, and the blessings of a great cultural ambassador of Bangladesh and true universal ambassador of peace: Sri Chinmoy. I especially thank Ms. Nilima Silver, Programme Coordinator of the Sri Chinmoy: the Peace Meditation at the UN; the Jharna Kala Art Foundation and other co-sponsors*. Thank you all.
* Co-sponsored by:
- Permanent Mission of the People's Republic of Bangladesh to the United Nations H.E. Ambassador Abulkalam Abdul Momen, Permanent Representative
- Jharna-Kala Art Foundation, Ranjana Chose, Director
- Sri Chinmoy: The Peace Meditation at the United Nations, Nilima Silver, Secretary and Programme Co-ordinator
Introducing H.E. Ambassador Davidson Hepburn,
Ambassador Davidson Hepburn of the Bahamas, is a distinguished member of the international community, well known here in New York and in Paris at the headquarters of UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), one of the lead agencies mandated to promote a Culture of Peace.
In his many roles, including over a decade of service as the Permanent Representative of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas to the United Nations and most recently two years as President of the UNESCO General Conference from 2009-2011, Ambassador Hepburn has used his wisdom, knowledge and grace to bring people together.
He a was a long-time friend of the artist, Sri Chinmoy and we are grateful for his continued support of the activities of the Peace Meditation Group. And we are most honoured that Ambassador Hepburn has come all the way form the Bahamas to share with us tonight his unique perspective. Thank you ambassador.
"Thank you for that very kind introduction. Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, friends of the United Nations, of the Culture of Peace and of the Jharna-Kala Art Collection, good evening, I am most pleased to be here in New York again, and especially in this house that stands as a symbol of the aspirations for peace and harmony among all peoples of the world.
Bahamas’ Peace and World Harmony Run – Paintings
"I had the privilege to introduce the Peace and World Harmony Run in my country, the Bahamas, in 2010. In conjunction with the Run, the World Harmony Paintings were exhibited at the Governor General’s Residence, and while viewing them I felt very special indeed. I felt a sense of peace, a sense of joy.I noted at the time that, when we first looked at the paintings, in addition to the wonderful sense of colour, we also notice what appear to be clashes.
"But for me and many others, the paintings represented something higher, something bigger: they represent the coming together of individuals and culture, just as we have in this building.
"The paintings seem to express the many different ways of being in the world, the varied philosophies, beliefs, talents and other unique aspects of human life. It is a real achievement when we can encourage and appreciate uniqueness and at the same time, celebrate our oneness.
" I would like to make a reference here to a similar concept of a Bahamian artist, who was very spiritual, the late Amos Ferguson, a man who produced hundreds of paintings on various aspects of nature and life. Despite the lack of recognition in the early years, he persisted and now his paintings are permanently exhibited in the National Art Gallery in the Bahamas (NAGB).>More
(During this Art exhibit a video was playing at the Peace and Harmony Run display - it illustrated events around the world and also presented the video message Dr. Hepburn with ideas for the next decade, sent for the 25th anniversary of the runs. It has subtitles in 25 languages and includes a piece on 'Value Diversity' -showing in photo above >More)
"Ladies and Gentleman, our differences have tremendous potential to expand our collective capacity and deepen our understanding of what it truly means to be a member of a global family. Sri Chinmoy, the artist, often said he followed a streak of light as he painted. As we view these paintings, we can see the many bold strokes of colour. We can feel the special energy - that emanates from each painting as it dynamically harmonizes diverse and vibrant elements.
Oneness is the goal, and art, poetry and music are important approaches.
The goal of 'oneness,' as Sri Chinmoy called it, is really the goal of our wonderful international organizations: To express that oneness. And to do this we need peace.
"I was my country’s Ambassador and Permanent Representative for many years here at United Nations Headquarters. And even with a demanding schedule, I was at times able to attend the peace meditations in this very building, led by Sri Chinmoy. The peace I experienced during those sessions energized me in my work. It was one of the best decisions I could have ever made.
"UNESCO, where I recently served as President of the General Conference, and the other UN organizations* are doing something most striking for the world.
- * Note: in addiition to being the home of the UN Secretariat, New York City is also the location of the Headquarters of UN Development Programme (UNDP), UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) and the UN Population Fund (UNFPA).
("Peace blossoms in the heart of goodness." -Sri Chinmoy )
"But we do need on a regular basis to be reminded of the fundamental goal we are striving for: a shared sense of belonging on this planet, and a strengthening of the values that will enable us to live together peacefully and creatively.
" My dear friends, we need inspiration, we need dynamic energy, we need joy that will always open our hearts —and that is what the Peace of World Harmony Paintings offer. Such is the power of art.
"When we develop more ways for people to experience the feeling of 'oneness,' I believe we will have more of the peace and harmony that we are all seeking —for ourselves, for our global community and especially for the generations that will come after us.
" With the conviction that we are one, in all our splendid diversity, we will more easily find creative solutions to the main challenges we face.
Inspiring events - Examples to emulate
We need an abundance of examples for others to emulate —examples such as these paintings, that have travelled around the world. I love the concept of travelling exhibits. When all the locations of the exhibit are revealed, it serves as a link, people to people and country to country, reminding believers in peace and cooperation that they are not alone.
(Davidson Hepburn holding the torch in Astana, Kazakhstan >More)
"I was recently in Astana, Kazakhstan for the closing ceremony of the Peace and Harmony Run joining Europe and the Asia-Pacific region. Also celebrated was Kazakhstan’s twentieth anniversary as a Member State of the United Nations. The event creatively presented children’s art to convey global themes. And in Astana there is now a beautiful Peace Palace dedicated to interfaith harmony.
"During the Olympics, I was in London for a ceremony entitled “A Moment’s Peace.” There, a statue called “The World Peace-Dreamer” was dedicated, and “Art of the Olympians” was on exhibit. >More
(Dr. Hepburn in London for "A Monent's Peace" and "Art of Olympians" > More)
"It was an inspiring occasion, focusing on the best in humanity as the world’s best athletes aimed to raise the standards in every sport.
"Through athletics, painting, music and all the arts, events such as these welcome partners who share a common aspiration for inner peace and world peace. Let us continue to create more opportunities for the arts to inspire us in our quest for peace and harmony, and let us encourage many others to join this effort.
Never Give Up
"Let us keep in mind that spark of inspiration that originally brought us to the United Nations. That is still the reason that we are here. Let us take time to be together in silence for a few minutes of reflection. Let us find opportunities to reach out to our colleagues in our own countries and in other countries, especially through art and through culture. And let us continue. As Sri Chinmoy wisely said, as he demonstrated in his own life, even if the progress of our world seems slow, we must never give up.
"For over forty years, the Peace Meditation Group at the United Nations has been creating opportunities for us to come together. Led by Sri Chinmoy, we were invited not only to regularly pray and meditate silently for peace, but also to celebrate special occasions with music, art and poetry.
"Ladies and Gentleman, I encourage the members of the Peace Meditation Group here at the United Nations to continue to inspire the international community. Through your creative events and your beautiful programmes, you help us to renew our inner commitment to the highest aspirations of the UN Charter.
"And now let me thank the Jharna-Kala Art Foundation for sharing the message of peace and harmony through exhibits of the World Harmony Paintings, which continue to travel the world.
I thank the Permanent Mission of Bangladesh to the United Nations for sponsoring this very special event, which, in a significant way, complements the work of the General Assembly. Finally, Ladies and Gentleman,
"I thank all those who serve the United Nations for striving every day to bring us closer to a true Culture of Peace in a 'oneness-world.' Thank you for your attention."
Nilima Silver: Thank you Ambassador Hepburn. Dr. Hepburn mentioned the London programme during the recent Olympics and the Art of Olympians.
(Mrs. Momen, Spouse of Ambassador Momen of Bangladesh; Mrs. Cathy Oerter, co-founder of the ‘Art of the Olympians’ (center) ; Dr. Davidson Hepburn)
"The facilitator for the Olympic Art is here (in the front row) and we are very happy that she could be with us tonight: Cathy Oerter. She and her husband, the Olympic Legend Al Oerter, founded the "Art of Olympians" and the organization is doing such good work.
Introduction of Ms. Ranjana Ghose:
Ms. Ranjana Ghose, Director of the Jharna Kala Art foundation and curator of Sri Chinmoy's Art, has produced exhibits here at the UN and around the world, including at the Carrousel du Louvre. You may also recognize her as the leader of the Si Chinmoy Bajan singers, an international vocal and instrumental ensemble that has performed many times here at the UN, around the world, and on television and at Concert venues in many different cities..
(Above is cover of the brochure for exhibit)
The exquisite brochure that Ranjana has produced for the exhibit goers into depth about the paintings on display here including this centrepiece "Peace Feeds the Children"; and "non-Violence" there. Ranjana will now offer her unique insights into the artist and his art.
Ranjana Ghose:
"We thank you so very much Ambassador for hosting this exhibition. It gives an opportunity to do again what is dearest to our heart, and that is to bring some form of peace to other people and to ourselves. We feel very happy to have these paintings as a great source of energy and Peace, and a reminder of finer ideals. These paintings are for world harmony, these paintings are for peace by artist Sri Chinmoy. His signature CKG soul birds or peace birds have been artistic endorsement for world peace for decades.
"Sri Chinmoy's art embodies the message of world peace, "Harmony", "Brotherhood", " protection of Nature", "Compassion", "Benevolence", Non-Violence" and an aspiration for a more concerned humanity.
In using the genre to help culture peace in the self and in the world, Sri Chinmoy created paintings with an inspired dedication, surly in hopes of enkindling awareness and strengthening a progress toward that concern in fellow world-citizens. In that sense, what better way for the exhibit to have begun its journey then here at the United Nations itself. ... The varying intensities of each piece translate into a dynamic non-violence; and populations of radiant colours coexist in a glowing tolerance of each other: A microcosm of an ideal humanity. ... in so many of the works, as in "Heart-Garden", "Nature's Beauty", "Delight" and "Benevolence" we see the use of colours which spontaneously energises us with the more positive qualities of life.
"In 2001 Sri Chinmoy had decided to do a Series of 70 Paintings all dedicated to Peace. ...he would himself be turning 70 and he wanted to rededicate his life works to peace. .., the year before in 2000, the UN General Assembly had declared it the International Year for a Culture of Peace. (IYCP), This year (and subsequent decade for CP ) was spearheaded very strongly by the former Bangladesh Ambassador (Anwarul Chowdhury). So it is so appropriate that now, over 10 years later we have the same exhibition of paintings which was originally dedicated to world peace hosted again by the Bangladesh Mission to the UN and we are very grateful for that and feel that it is significant..
"...Acrylic painting was the artist's favourite medium. ....
You will notice that the titles - reflects the ideals which are deeply rooted within himself. His art paints the picture of a world of peace, a world of harmony. At the time of the original exhibition, it was opened by Ambassador Anwarul Chowdhury who was Under-Secretary-General at the time. We were very grateful to him as he was (and stil is) a great lover of the "Culture of Peace".
Through the paintings of World Harmony exhibition, Sri Chinmoy has offered his art in many different public spaces as possible so that these messages of world brotherhood might be viewed, received and shared by brothers and sisters of humanity from all over the world, from all walks of life.
- In cities such as: San Francisco, Oslo, Tokyo, and Reykjavik.
- International Airports such as: O'Hara in Chicago, JFK here in NY, LaGuardia, Newark Airport; airports around the world.
- statehouses such as: Canberra Australia; Boston;
- Jacob Javits Convention Center right here in NY.
- The Carrousel de Louver (twice since 2001) - grand exhibition, we were very grateful and proud took place.)
" the paintings for world harmony are an attempt to bring, art to the public, so that it may affect the public, thus helping to cultivate a climate of peace.
"Art itself, like humanity thrives best in the climate of peace. And art, like humanity and like children of humanity perish as a result of war and intolerance. The world is crying to each one of us for help. And surely when we help the world, we will certainly help ourselves. For are we not the world? We, all united as brothers and sisters of humanity.
"I feel that Sri Chinmoy's works benefit society in a very crucial and basic way with titles such as: "Ahimsa", "Non Violence", "Self Transcendence", "the Inner Voice", "the Soul-Birds", "the Tree of Life", "Hope", "Aspiration" , "Dedication", "Serve Humanity", "Save Nature", "the River of Life", "Love Mother Earth", "Goodness", "Compassion", "Universal Brotherhood", "When you Give Peace , You Get Peace" , " Imagine all human beings as your friend", " Happiness Helps us All", "Peace Preserves Us", "Concern Unites Us".
"Each painting, each title is like a lantern along the way. Even this painting entitled "Pilgrimage", as our lives are indeed a type of pilgrimage. These paintings are an affirmation of faith in our own humanity, and a striving to help humanity as a whole by discovering and educating ourselves and others in whatever humble way possible:bbe it as a mere reminder in the middle of a stressful day or a profound epiphany at twilight. For we are all members of a humanity struggling together so that we might all progress into that ultimate state of peace.
Thank you all for coming to this exhibition. We are honoured by your presence and these artworks of Sri Chinmoy. We hope that in some way they will bring you inspiration, and you in turn will pass your inspiration on to others. For you are the very people, the arms of the UN body that carry that inspiration and those ideals into the physical world so that the rest of humanity can benefit from that. I thank you.(More> Above is excerpt, link to full Text)
Nilima Silver: Thank you so much Ranjana. That was beautiful and inspiring and very informative.
We are now very honoured to have with us: Jacqueline Terrassa, who is the Managing Museum Educator, for Gallery and Studio Programs at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Ms. Jacqueline Terrassa:
"It is really and honour and a pleasure to be here with you and I want to thank you for the important work that you do every day.
"I want to begin with a question that I was asked to address. What do art museums do to contribute to world peace and cultural understanding?" I went around the room all of you would have a variety of different answers or perhaps you would stare at me somewhat blankly. But I think it is a very, very important question, It really is at the heart of what we do every day at the museum; in our education programs; and at the heart of why the metropolitan museum was founded.
- "In the last month alone 1,100 educators from 46 countries engaged each other in dialogue as they explored the MET's encyclopaedic collections. This took place during 2 webinars that resulted from collaboration with the State Department (USA).
- Last winter inspired by the MET's exhibition heroic Africans, legendary leaders, iconic sculptors, 300 people reflected on the role that oral traditions play in different African cultures. As they listened to a conversation between the young Nigerian Author, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and a NY times reporter Helen Cooper (http://youtu.be/EB1WqZiGcIA).
- Weeks later more than 60 teens from the five boroughs of the New York City area as well as beyond gathered at the MET inspired by and exhibition of Italian Renaissance. They compared their own views about identity, about beauty, their ideas bout power; to the ideas of beauty and power in the Italian Renaissance.
And week after week families learn about Art and life of civilizations close to them and far away from them as they explore the museum during our free programmes. During these programs children and their adult companions practice the art of slowing down, of noticing more closely and asking questions about what they see. I hope that they leave the museum more curious and with a bigger picture of the world than when they arrived.
"But the answer to this question is actually quite personal. From a participant in one of our recent community programs, someone who is a former refugee said to us: "you know why I love art? All creatures in the world - they see, all creatures in the world - they observe."
"The kinds of challenges you address every day on a global scale; from political crises, to hunger, to housing for refuges; and the kinds of dilemmas, joys and questions that each of us pose to ourselves everyday as we go about our lives: these are the reasons we need our museums, such as the MET. We need places for encounter, for inspiration and for reflection.
The MET opened 140 years ago, as an encyclopaedic museum. And today millions of people from all over the world visit us to see what other people have made across time and across place. In our galleries they see:
- Egyptian statues of Pharaohs;
- tapestries form medieval
- photographs made by American artists in the 1930's;
- paintings made by Pablo Picasso;
- paintings made by
contemporary Iranian artists;
- ceremonial masks from the Congo
- marble sculptures from Greece.
"What our galleries offer everyone is
an opportunity understand ourselves a little better in relation to the world around
us. As a family from Hoboken said at a recent festival of
Hispanic and Latin American culture that we presented: "I love the fact
that it brings many cultures together".
"By coming face to face with a n incredible object that another person made. We are reminded of the humanity that underlies all culture. We also come to know cultures different than our own from perspectives we have not considered before. And we learn about religious and social practices which are quite unlike ours but are motivated by the same desires and impulses that you and I are moved by.
And we do all this in the company of others. In the company of loved ones who come to us for a visit or in the company of strangers who like us chose to see art that day, at that hour. And that too is very powerful. The MET is for everyone and I hope that you too find excitement, inspiration and a space for reflection in our galleries. So, please visit us sometime soon. Thank you for inviting me to come.
(More> Above is excerpt, link to full Text)
Nilima Silver : Thank you very much, I was actually privileged to visit the Picasso exhibition last June, which was thrilling. The good work that you are doing is indescribable.
Nilima Silver: We are also fortunate to have with us Mr. Kurt A. Behrendt, Assistant Curator at Metropolitan Museum of Art and we are very happy that you have agreed to address us this evening.
Kurt A. Behrendt: I deeply feel that central to our mission and relates well to your mission, is the idea that one can go into a space and see an object. - I think these paintings make the point beautifully - and in a sense through an aesthetic appreciation, of something, across culture and across language you find a commonality.
This at one level allows you to project something of the past. I think this is the simplest and most direct thing that most people do. They imagine: looking at something 2000 years old and wonder what the person was thinking when they produced it. And maybe we can't know, but certainly we can resonate with this: that they were producing something that does transcend time and culture, and allows you access to that person as a human being. And in a sense can use art to cross culture.

I recently remember bringing a group of first graders, from a NY public school. We wondered around the museum. I was struck as we went through the galleries, how these kids from all over the world said: Oh that's from where my parents are from. They recognized these cultures. And yet these objects are using a sort of language of form. It allowed a sense of free discourse across time and space. I think the museum is a unique place in being able to offer that to all of us. I hope the UN takes advantage of these vehicles. I think the Metropolitan has striven to make this a reality, and to try to have that breath of inclusiveness for the whole world.
I work on South Asia; and spent my time in many regions. And yet there is always this object that one can refer to as something that pulls that region together, and is inclusive. I appreciate you - and having an opportunity to speak to all of you. ..(More> Above is excerpt, link to full Text)
(Above Center: Professor Ibrahim Gambari at the exhibit )
"I wish you all great success in this latest endeavour which Sri Chinmoy has inspired, the Paintings for World Harmony at the United Nations. May the brilliant colours which mix together so freely and the flying birds which soar together so happily in his art work remind us that we human beings are one family on a common journey towards the peace and happiness of humanity." - Professor Ibrahim Gambari, Under-Secretary-General and Special Adviser, United Nations - From programme notes.
Nilima Silver: I would like to thank everyone for joining us tonight, and making such a beautiful evening for world harmony at our beloved United Nations. Do please continue to view the paintings, enjoy the ambiance and partake of the refreshments. And once again our gratitude to Ambassador Momen for graciously making this evening possible.
Our photographer is requesting that all the speakers come up for a group shot. And Mrs. Momen please.
Ranjana Ghose: "We would like to request Ambassador Momen to present each of our special guests with a print of Sri Chinmoy's art work 'Peace feeds the children'. There is also a cookie which is the form of a peace dove. It is so appropriate for tonight's exhibition at this location and a theme that Sri Chinmoy was so very fond: of a peace bird, a peace dove and roses here.
Rose Voisk, former Yugoslavia Olympian gymnast in London 1948 Olympics, (confirm)

On the final day of the exhibit, Ambassador Chowdhury paid a visit to the Gallery to the delight of all the organizers. Ambassador had been a supporter of the Peace Meditation at the United Nations for decades. A close friend of the artist Sri Chinmoy and champion of a Culture of Peace, as mentioned Ambassador Chowdhury has been instrumental in many important resolutions of the General Assembly and with Security Council deliberations.
"As a true Global Ambassador of Peace, Sri Chinmoy's vision of a oneness- world of peace and harmony, within each individual and for humanity at large, continues to be most enriching and empowering for all." - H. E. Mr. Anwarul K. Chowdhury Under-Secretary-General and High Representative of the United Nations (2002-2007) Ambassador of Bangladesh (ret.) (- from Programme Notes)
(Ambassador Chowdhury looking at the 'Peace is Precious' painting that was published on
the back of the brochure for the "High Level Forum on the Culture of Peace", 14 Sept. 2012.)
An animated Ambassador Chowdhury with his great enthusiasm for expressions of Peace and Harmony.
Ambassador Chowdhury has been active in the 3 main parts that effectively make up the UN Community:
- Secretariat of the UN, as Under-Secretary-General and High Representative etc.,
- in country Delegations, as Permanent Representative of his country and
- with Civil Society in promoting a Culture of Peace and World Harmony in many Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)..
When a question was asked on the different values of the General Assembly and the Security Council he extemporaneously gave an inspiring reply.
- First, he appreciated both the General Assembly for its wide coverage of issues and the fact that each country can give its voice to concerns that may not at first be readily apparent to the major nations. i.e. culture of peace or global warming. However a resolution passed by the GA is not binding on nations.
- The Security Council because it has the ability to make policy on certain issues, even simple recommedations can have great impact.. Therefore, change can come quicker. For example, the landmark resolution on Women, Peace and Security resolution (S/RES/1325) passed by the Security council (31 Oct 2000) is resulting in concrete plans of actions being supported by many countries.
Biographical note of the Artist:
Sri Chinmoy was born in Bengal, India in 1931. Upon coming to the West in 1964, he made his home in New York City. Having travelled the world extensively, he lectured at hundreds of universities, including Harvard, Cambridge, Princeton, Yale, Stanford, Columbia, Oxford, Tokyo, Brown among others.
Interwoven throughout the tapestry of his creative life has always been a profound appreciation and reverence for world-unity, be it expressed through his millions of soul-bird drawings or his analogies to the inspiration-bird throughout his poetry, prose and music.
During the course of his travels, Sri Chinmoy frequently offered free music concerts, himself performing on a number of musical instruments including esraj, flute, piano, harmonium and cello.
These performances were almost exclusively utilizing his own musical compositions, he being a prolific composer. Sri Chinmoy's intention seems clear, it being none other than the hope of inspiring oneness and harmony in the world, believing that music can move people towards harmony, harmony with the self, harmony with others.
This theme is recurrent throughout all of his creative endeavours, be it through art, poetry, music, lecture, cultural performance, teaching meditation, sponsoring sporting events, or his many decades of dedication to the United Nations as a vehicle for harmony in the world. That theme is harmony, harmony within and harmony without. Harmony throughout a Oneness-World.
Sri Chinmoy on World Harmony and Peace
"We all are needed to establish world-harmony." 1
"When we live in the heart, we feel that we all belong to one world-family." 1
"If we can live in our hearts, (here will be peace within us and harmony in the world." 2
"Music is the mother tongue of humanity. It is through music that we can enter into the universal harmony." 3
"If you can create harmony in your own life, this harmony will enter into the vast world." 4
"... enter the portals of world-harmony-paradise." 1
"He who has neither bias nor prejudice is indeed a child of Heaven-harmony." 1
ck of harmony comes when I feel that I know how to do something better than you. Lack of harmony is the song and dance of superiority." 1
"Peace is the source, and from peace we get harmony."5
"Harmony gives our minds tremendous inspiration to elevate the world." 6
"In the searching mind, harmony blooms." 6
"In the aspiring heart, harmony blossoms." 6
"World-harmony Carries the message Of world peace." 7
"Each good heart Champions the cause of world-harmony." 8
"Harmony is the child of peace." 9
I. Sri Chinmoy Archives, Sri Chinmoy Headquarters. New York.
2. Remarks at the Dedicalion of lhe Mekong Delta as a Sri Chinmoy Peace Delta, 28 December, 1992.
3 . The Source of Music, by Sri Chinmoy, Agni Press. 1995, 1999.
4.Published in book: Service Trees .Vol.I5. poem#14,773. Agni Press 1999.
5. Unpublished quote. Sri Chinmoy Archives, Sri Chinmoy Headquarters. New York.
6. From miniature book series: Little Books of Wisdom. volume: "Harmony," Jharna-Kala Publishing, 2000.
7. Published in book: Service·Trees, Vol. 49, poem # 48.445, Agni Press 2006. (From Ku. nl.n, Dec 2005)
8. Published in book: Service-Trees, Vol. 18, poem # 17,765, Agni Press, 2000.
9. Remarks to local officials al World Harmony Run ceremony in Kuantan, Malaysia, New Years Day 2006.
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