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  • Sri Chinmoy: World Harmony Run Founder

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    Sri Chinmoy

  • Carl Lewis: World Harmony Run Spokesman

    World Harmony Run Spokesman
    Carl Lewis

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    The All Blacks
    New Zealand

Moldova 21 July: Cahul - Border with Romania

Last day in our beloved Moldova. Today at noon we crossed the border to Romania.

How beautiful the time we spent in Moldova was...

Ultima zi în Moldova noastră dragă. Astăzi, la amiază, am traversat hotarul cu România.

Ce frumos am petrecut timpul în Moldova...

Olga and Radka fight the hill...

Olga returned home to Russia today. After more than two weeks together, we will all really miss her shining face in the car. Thank you very much for being with us :)

Olga şi Radka luptă cu dealul...

Olga azi se întoarce acasă, în Rusia. După mai bine de 2 săptămâni petrecute împreună, ne va lipsi mult chipul ei luminos. Mulţumim mult că ai fost cu noi :)

It is pretty dry here in the south of the country.

Aici, în sudul ţării, e cam uscat.

Brrrrooooommm... up the hill.

Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... la deal.

Boys at work...

Băieţii lucrează...

At around noon we arrived at the border. While we were waiting for our passports to be checked, we had time to chat with the border police officers.

Pe la amiază am ajuns la graniţă. Aşteptând pânâ când paşapoartele noastre vor fi verificate, am avut timp să schimbăm o vorbă cu grănicerii.

The torch was passed around...

Le-am înmânat torţa...

...and many pictures were taken before we finally...

...şi am făcut încă multe fotografii până când, în cele din urmă...

... ran off to the other side.

Thank you very much Moldova for your kindness and hospitality. We had a fabulous time...

... am trecut pe celălalt mal.

Îţi mulţumim mult, Moldova, pentru bunătatea şi ospitalitatea ta. Aici am petrecut timpul ca în poveşti...

– Martin Leitner

Distance: 55 km

Team Members:
Martin Leitner (Austria), Matthias Eckerle (Germany), Olga Soboleva (Russia), Daniel Schenke (Germany), Jarek Werner (Poland), Radka Metelkova (Czech Republic), Vera Balonishnikova (Russia), Ghantika Hammerl (Austria), Behala Hammerl (Austria), Dipavajan Renner (Austria), Tirtha Voelckner (Germany), Emese Gero (Hungary), Judit Toth (Hungary), Marek (Czech Republic)

You can send a message to the runners or read the messages.

< Moldova 20 July
< Ukraine 20 July
Ukraine 22 July >
Romania 22 July >

Ukraine 21 July