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Slovakia 9 May: Poprad - Muran

Great start to the day.

Nádherný začiatok dňa.

First steps of the day in Poprad...

Prvé kroky dňa v Poprade...

and visiting primary school Jarna.

a návšteva základnej školy na Jarnej ulici

Striding out with the team spirit.

Bežíme v tíme.



Nature's splendour.

Nádhera prírody.

Local village supporters.

Miestni fanúšikovia.

Ahoy Hranovnica School!

Ahoj škola v Hranovnici!

Thumbs up for peace.

Palec nahor pre mier.

Natalia has an uncanny way of portraying a chicken in this skit!

Natalia má veľmi špeciálny spôsob ako v tejto scénke zahrať sliepku!

The Slovakian Spirit!

Slovenský nadšenec!

Principal of Harovnica primary school Mrs. Skovierova receives an award for her contribution to creating a peaceful environment. Among other things she said: "I hope that you can bring at least as much harmony to the other schools, as you have brought to our school!"

Riaditeľka základnej školy v Harovnici pani Škovierová prijíma ocenenie za jej úsilie o rozvoj harmónie vo svete. Okrem iného povedala: "Želám vám, aby ste aj do ďalších škôl priniesli aspoň toľko harmónie ako ste priniesli do našej školy!"

Picturesque countryside near the village Telgart.

Malebné údolie pri Telgárte.

Limbering up in the sun.

Rozcvička na slniečku.

The summit of "Kralova hola", which is mentioned in many slovakian songs and legends.

Vrchol Kráľovej hole, ospevovanej a opradenej legendami.

A big high five from the primary school in Telgart.

Vitajte v základnej škole v Telgárte.

The Mayor of Telgart, Mrs Maria Knizkova greets us with a heartfelt welcome.

Starostka Telgártu Mgr. Mária Knížková nás srdečne víta.

Vlado introduces our team and motto "Harmony begins with me!"

Vlado predstavuje náš team a motto "Harmónia začína u mňa!"

Vlado is a mime actor by profession and has a humourous rapport with the children.

Vlado je profesionálny mím a s deťmi si veľmi dobre rozumie.

Memorable moments :-)

Nezabudnuteľné momenty :-)

Potential members for future World Harmony Runs!

Možno budúci bežec Svetového behu harmónie!

Standing tall and strong.

Hrdo a nebojácne!

Muranska Huta, one of many quaint villages in the Muran region.

Muránska Huta, jedna z mnohých malebných dediniek na Muráni.

Spring time newness green.

Svieža zelená jari

Spring in the step!

Jar v topánkach!

Enjoying our last team run for the afternoon.

Vychutnávajúc si posledný spoločný popoludňajší beh.

Singing from the depths of the heart.

Spev z hĺbky duše.

Mayor Mr Roman Schmidt gladly welcomes us into the village Muran.

Starosta Ing.Roman Schmidt nás srdečne víta v Muráni.

Singing passionately about the beauty and appreciation of the local region, "Muran".

Spievanie s úprimným potešením o nádhere Muráňa, o úcte k Muráňu.

"...Your soul will be satisfied,

your mind will be purified,

be sure that new strength here you gain.

That valley gives peace to all who come,

with friends they gather for walk."

"...Tvoja duša sa poteší, myseľ očistí,

novú silu tu načerpáš, buď si tým istý,

tá dolina pokoj dáva všetkým čo prídu,

na vychádzke aj s priateľmi spolu sa zídu"


The World Harmnoy Run proudly supports the International Year of Youth (IYY) and the International Year of Forests (IYF) proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly.

See also recent Youtube video which illustrates IYY slogan "Our Year Our Voice"  International Year of Youth - Zambia World Harmony http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6qehMiIWuYRun


– Ujjwala and Shobhavati

Distance: 52 km

Team Members:
Apaguha Vesely (Czech Republic), Shobhavati Davies (New Zealand), Nataliya Lehonkova (Ukraine), Ujjwala Mettrick (New Zealand), Josef Sverma (Czech Republic), Ananda-Lahari Zuscin (Slovakia), Danica Cernakova (Slovakia), Petra Kasperova (Czech Republic), Viliam Segeda (Czech Republic), Padyatra Komak (Slovakia), Jan Stanko (Slovakia), Ayodhika Chochlikova (Slovakia), Devatulya Sulekova (Slovakia), Vlado Kulisek (Slovakia), Zdenko Michalec (Slovakia), Kuladipa Babusik (Slovakia), Marek Novotny (Slovakia)

You can send a message to the runners or read the messages.

< Slovakia 8 May
Slovakia 10 May >
France 10 Mai >