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- Italy 31 March: Bologna - Reggio Emilia
- Italy 30 March: Greve - Firenze - Bologna
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Italy 30 March: Greve - Firenze - Bologna

Half of our team started out this morning from Greve in Chianti, heading for Firenze and enjoying the most beautiful countryside of the Toscana (Tuscan) region!

In Firenze, our main World Harmony Run team had the opportunity to participate in a special child-parent race, organised by the "Marathon Family".

President Prof. Alessandro Dei received the torch and the 300 kids plus parents went off for a 4 km run!

All our runners met again for an interfaith meeting at Piazza Santa Croce. Prior of the Basilica Santa Croce, Padre Di Marcantonio, President of the Jewish Community, Mrs Daniela Misul, President of the Islamic Community, Mr Mohamed Bamoshmoosh, the President of the Hare Krishna Community, the Representative of Tibetan Buddhism, Representative of the Organisation for Friendship between Jews and Christians, Mrs Manuela Saduv and President of the Association "Un tempio per la Pace", Prof. Marco Romoli all held the torch together, setting a superlative example of harmony and mutual understanding!

Finally, we left Firenze via a sightseeing route through the famous old quarter of the city.
As we crossed the mountains northwards, local runners joined in and after some time, we reached the gates of Bologna. The local Motor Bike club AVIS supported us by guiding the runners and securing the street.

We reached our final destination for the day, a park in the heart of Bologna.
Former Olympic 5000m Gold Medal winner Venuste Niyongabo from Burundi carried the torch for the last few metres, and local musicians performed the World Harmony Run song onstage.
Distance: 165km
Team Members:
Over 40 team members from more than 15 countries...
You can send a message to the runners or read the messages.
Gallery: See more images!
< Italy 29 March |
Italy 31 March > |