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- Italy 31 March: Bologna - Reggio Emilia
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Italy 31 March: Bologna - Reggio Emilia
What a day!

First thing in the morning, we went to a meeting with the children of the Biancolelli Schools at the Centro Sportivo Cavina di via Biancolelli in Bologna. All the kids were gathered with balloons on the 400m track, and gave us a High Five as we ran in.

District President Maurizio degli Esposti, the UISP runners and our friends from the AVIS Motor Bike club welcomed us and joined us for a lap on the track with the kids!

Mr. Maurizio degli Esposti unveiled a plaque with a peace aphorism and the kids guided us out of the school with lots of cheers!

Next we went to the Lipparini School, where all the kids lined up and cheered us on our way out of Bologna!

Our friends from the Motor Bike Club AVIS supported us again with their guidance and by protecting our runners! Thank you to all of them and to their president, Franco Carati!
Our next stop was Sant. Agata Bolognese, home of the Lamborghini sports car. Runners took the torch to the main square, where lots of spectators waited and kids from the local schools welcomed us with drawings on peace...

The mayor received the torch and as a special surprise even a Lamborghini sports car participated! What would Italy be without fast cars?

As we reached Modena, runners were waiting to join in and run with us to the next school. The kids made a circle around the school and passed the torch around it in a very touching ceremony.

European Marathon Champion Maria Guida then joined us and together we ran through the city to the military academy, where a group of recruits joined in.

Singing and cheering we reached the main square, where the mayor of Modena, Giorgio Pighi and Generale Francesco Tarricone welcomed us.

A final lap on the main square ended the official part of the ceremony and well-deserved refreshments were then served...
Leaving Modena, we went to a place many of us were looking forward to: Maranello, home of the Ferrari!

Content, we ran to the Carlo Stradi primary school! The kids waited on the school lawn with flags and banners.
After a short presentation, all the teachers went off for a short Harmony Run, cheered on by the children! Finally we all ran out, and continued on to the Ferrari school.

The kids joined us, running to the next meeting with the kids from the IPSIA Ferrari Mechanic School. All together, we arrived at the Ferrari Museum in Maranello, where a final ceremony with the sport assessore, Mr. Romano Andreoli and the director of the Ferrari Museum, Mrs. Veronica Bellinazzi ended the official program.
We enjoyed a quick visit to the Ferrari Museum and then off we went for our last stage: Reggio Emilia.

Half of our team visited the famous bridge in Reggio Emilia, where a short press conference was held.

Vice-Mayor Franco Ferretti and local runners joined us all the way into the city. A group of small kids greeted us there and displayed a huge Italian flag, probably 15 metres long!

The kids ran all the way to the main square with the gigantic flag, where Assessore Mimmo Spadoni welcomed us; a short ceremony with dancers and great refreshments ended a really intense and perfect World Harmony Run day!
Distance: 110km
Team Members:
Dipavajan Renner, Sandra and Franz Aurenhammer (all Austria), Pierre Lantuas and David Mouton (France), Josef Lackner (Hungary), Svetlana Gorshkova (Russia), Ondrej Vesely (Czech Republic), Jana Chochlikova (Slovakia), Ulugbek Berdimurotov (Usbekistan), Nivedak Corradini, Romano Ferrari, Marco Chersich, Sandro Zincarini, Anna Lacanna, Silvia Dinunzio, Paula (all Italy), Tamara (Moldova)
You can send a message to the runners or read the messages.
Gallery: See more images!
< Italy 30 March |
Italy 1 April > |