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- Italy 24 April: Alessandria - Genova
- Italy 23 April: Mercenasco - Alessandria
- Italy 22 April: Romagnano Sesia - Mercenasco
- Italy 2 April: Milano - Ponte Tresa
- Italy 1 April: Reggio nell'Emilia - Milano
- Italy 31 March: Bologna - Reggio Emilia
- Italy 30 March: Greve - Firenze - Bologna
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- Italy 27 March: Roma Opening Ceremony - Terni
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Italy 2 April: Milano - Ponte Tresa

Today we started at the "Montessori" school in Milano.
The kids were really enthusiastic to be part of the World Harmony Run. After we introduced the World Harmony Run the kids expressed their wishes for harmony while passing the torch.

Our next meeting took place in a beautiful park. We visited the "Comunità Exodus", a renowned no-profit association, dedicated to the pursuit to help people with drug addictions, especially young people.

Children of the elementary school came, too and together a nice program took place.
The children painted a tree using their hands full of paint as a stamp.

Some of our runners became victims of the kids creativity...

Finally we planted an Olive Tree donated to the team in Assisi from Prof. Costa. Each participant added some soil to fill up the hole.

After great refreshments we left Milano and went on to Varese.

Some sporting clubs were waiting for us and joined our international team running all the way to the city hall and from there inside the beautiful Italian gardens "giardini estensi".

Children of the elementary schools were waiting and cheered our arrival.

The political local authorities (assessor for education Patrizia Tomassini, assessor for infrastructure Gladiseo Zagatto and sport representative Marco Caccianiga) welcomed us and received the torch.
CONI Varese province, representative, Ito Giani, former Italian champion for athletic and the Italian champion for basketball, Andrea Meneghin greeted our runners, too.
Finally the international team was accompanied out of Varese direction Ponte Tresa, the borderline with Switzerland.

Mr. Pietro Roncoroni, the major of the Italian municipality of Lavena Ponte Tresa, welcomed the World Harmony Run with drinks and chocolate on the border.
Distance: 90km
Team Members:
Dipavajan Renner, Sandra and Franz Aurenhammer (all Austria), Pierre Lantuas and David Mouton (France), Josef Lackner (Hungary), Svetlana Gorshkova (Russia), Ondrej Vesely (Czech Republic), Jana Chochlikova (Slovakia), Ulugbek Berdimurotov (Usbekistan), Nivedak Corradini, Romano Ferrari, Marco Chersich, Sandro Zincarini, Anna Lacanna, Silvia Dinunzio, Paula (all Italy)
You can send a message to the runners or read the messages.
Gallery: See more images!
< Italy 1 April |
Italy 22 April > Switzerland 3 April > |