Turkey 27 November: Istanbul

This was my first World Harmony Run experience in Turkey and it was definitely unforgettable. I was part of the advance crew that visited Primary School Ilhami Ahmed Ornekal to watch the children learn the World Harmony Run song as well as a song dedicated to Turkey, both composed by World Harmony Run founder, Sri Chinmoy.

I was amazed at how engaged and enthusiastic the children were and how quickly they picked up both melodies and words of the songs. It was great fun sharing the music and after about 45 minutes our international team of 15 or so runners arrived.

The school yard was a buzz of excitement with children jumping up and down, running around, grasping for the torch and generally exuding excitement from every pore of their beings.

Most everyone got to hold the torch and meet the runners. We played our favorite game where we challenge the children to guess which country we are from, and they were very successful at guessing our homelands.

After spending time with the children the school hosted us to tea and delicious home cooked cookies and snacks while some students sang various pop songs including the Beatles “Yesterday” which we all joined in.

As usual we reluctantly departed but I think everyone is looking forward to the next World Harmony Run event in Turkey.

Salil and Turkey Team Harmony
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< Turkey/Bulgaria 22 May Corlu - Burgas < Bulgaria 21 May < Bulgaria 22 May |   |