• World Harmony Run

    World's Largest Torch Relay
    World Harmony Run

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    1,000,000 Participants

  • Dreaming of a more harmonious world

    100 countries
    Dreaming of Harmony

  • Schools And Kids

    Make a Wish for Peace
    Schools And Kids

  • Sri Chinmoy: World Harmony Run Founder

    World Harmony Run Founder
    Sri Chinmoy

  • Carl Lewis: World Harmony Run Spokesman

    World Harmony Run Spokesman
    Carl Lewis

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    15,000 kms, 100 days
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  • The All Blacks, New Zealand

    The All Blacks
    New Zealand

Iceland 15 July: Ketilás - Hvammstangi

We made steady progress westwards...

Við færðumst hratt og örugglega í vesturátt.

We had a nice relaxed meeting in the Hofsós swimming pool, which has the nicest view of any pool most of us have ever seen.

Við áttum fund í sundlaug Hofsósar var valin flottasta sundaugin á landinu bæði vegna aðstöðunnar og útsýnissins.

Normally they say don't run around the pool...
Venjulega er bannað að hlaupa hjá lauginni...

...or play with fire.

...eða leika sér að eldi.

People of Ketilás took our message with open arms.

Okkur var tekið með opnum örmum.

krakkarnir voru svaka klárir og giskuðu rétt á þjóðerni allra hlauparana.

Finding peace in the heart.

Fundið friðinn í hjartanu.

Explaining the purpose of the World Harmony Run...

tilgangur hlaupsins útskýrður...

Big wishes were made here, we all felt a part of something much greater.

Stórar óskir fóru í kyndilinn áfram um Ísland með okkur.

Sometimes if your friend can't run or just wants to have a little fun you can pick them up!
Stundum er gott að fá smá hjálp.

Thanks to the kids from Ketilás for your enthusiasm!

Krakkarnir voru fullir af innblæstri og hlupu með okkur 1km.

More breathtaking mountains and now the fog was starting to roll in.

Mikilfengleg fjöllin sjást í gegnum þokuna.

Berglindi Rós Magnúsdóttur from Iceland and Tania Strahan from Melbourne Australia held the torch...

Berglindi Rós Magnúsdóttur og Tania Strahan frá Ástralíu halda hér á friðarkyndlinum.

...and took off running for 5k with us!

...þær tóku 5km með okkur til mikillar ánægju.

Our coordinator was a little busy while running into Sauðárkrókur...

Suren er hér smá upptekinn er hann hleypur inn á Sauðárkrók við skipulagningu.

...feeling the peace...

...fundið fyrir friðnum í hjartanu...

There was a huge turnout of kids!

Það var margt um manninn.

...And more cute faces than anyone could believe.

...falleg andlit út um allt á Íslandi.

Often during meetings there is a chilling wind blowing very hard, but the kids usually don't seem to mind, just us!

Vindurinn blæs stundum úr öllum áttum, en krakkarnir finna ekkert fyrir því.

Atul struggling uphill, which strangely enough he likes better than downhill.

Atul velur alltaf að hlaupa upp brekkur heldur en niður brekkur.

Finally we see the mysterious World Harmony Run photogropher.
Loksins sést aðalljósmyndari liðsins.

Uh-oh, a little car trouble...each runner donated some of their precious water.
Smá vatnskassa vandamál.

Kántríbær radio station in Skagaströnd was our first live interview in the studio while on the road.

Útvarpsstöðin Kántríbær á Skagaströnd var fyrsta viðatalið okkar í stúdíói í þessari hringferð.

Hallbjörn Hjartarson,the famous Icelandic country singer, known as the "Cowboy of North," supported the run by holding torch after interviewing us.

Hallbjörn Hjartarson sýnir stuðning með því að halda á kyndlinum eftir að hafa tekið viðtal við hlauparana.

The sun managed to shine through and make the fog look beautiful in contrast with the aquamarine water.

Sólon kom regulega og kíkti við í gegnum þokuna sem birti yfir öllu.

Don't forget to stretch.
Ekki gleyma að teygja

There are lots of minerals in the water, especially sulfur and iron.

Mikið um steinefni í jarðveginum.

The kids of Skagaströnd were quick as the wind...

Krakkarnir á Skagaströnd voru eldsnöggir að hlaupa.

...finding inner peace.

...fundið innri frið.

...and the cold wind was blowing something fierce.

...dálítið hvasst á köflum.

Nice torch...

Flottur kyndill...

Running on the spot to the beat of the Harmony Run song.

Hlaupið á staðnum í takt við friðarlagið.

Meetings can be tiring...

Þreyttur hlaupari...

...but they always put a smile on people's faces.

...alltaf gaman að fá viðurkenningaskjal fyrir þáttökuna í friðarhlaupinu.

Our coordinator for the second half of Iceland went to the school for 1 1/2 years in Hvammstangi when he was 12 years old. Can you find him?

Skipuleggjandi hlaupsins það sem eftir er af hlaupinu var í skóla á Hvammstanga í 1 1/2 ár. Hvar er hann á þessari mynd?

...and he's still as fit as he was then!

...hann hefur lítið breyst!

Grahak finding his rhythm...

Grahak finnur taktinn.

The kids at Blönduós were natural athletes.

Krakkarnir frá Blönduósi voru náttúrulegir íþróttamenn og konur...

Wishing peace for everyone...

Óska sér friðar handa öllum...

...and modeling for photos too...

...og kunna vel að pósa fyrir framan myndavélina...

We meet many animals along...
dýrin vilja líka frið...

Suren is fllying down the highway.

Suren er á flugi um þjóðveginn.

Another windy run through Hvammstangi with some local kids.

Það var mjög hvasst er við hlupum með krökkum frá Hvammstanga í gegnum þorpið.

Gnome, Leprechaun, or Dwarf, but what about the guy on the left?
Álfur, dvergur eða tröll. en hvað með gæjann til vinstri.

Jóhann, one of the local coordinators has been invaluable to the team.

Jóhann hefur verið dýrmætur hlekkur í liðinu.

Thanks to these young girls from Hvammstangi for singing us a beautiful song...it was a superb way to end the day.

Við þökkum stelpunum kærlega fyrir að hlaupameð okkur og syngja fyrir okkur. Þetta var frábær leið til að enda daginn.


The World Harmony Run proudly supports the International Year of Youth (IYY) and the International Year of Forests (IYF) proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly.

See the recent Youtube video on African experience which illustrates IYY slogan "Our Year Our Voice"  International Year of Youth - Zambia World Harmony. They surprisingly mention Presidents and UN Secretary-General in a unique way! 

See also the UNESCO World Heritage (WH) Centre support for IY of Forests.  ... Convention for conservation of forest biodiversity. (more)


– Zach

Distance: 192 km

Team Members:
Suren Leoson (Iceland), Dipavajan Renner (Austria), Apaguha Vesely (Czech Republic), Atulya Berube (USA), Atul Arora (India), Zach Saltzman (USA), Roos de Waart (Netherlands), Dennis Gribok (Luxembourg), Sumahat Strohn (Germany), Vlada Lepic (Czech Republic), Florian Mesaritsch (Austria), Amalendu Edelsten (Australia), Kanala (Slovakia), Boijayanti Gomez Badillo (Puerto Rico), Shobhavati Davies (New Zealand), Teekhnata Metzler (USA), Grahak Cunningham (Australia), Lukas Ineichen (Switzerland), Vimalamati van der Vaart (Netherlands), Pranava Runar Gigja (Iceland)

You can send a message to the runners or read the messages.

< Iceland 14 July
Iceland 16 July >