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- USA 11 Mar UNESCO Special Event at UN
- USA 21 Feb: NY Central Park
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USA 11 Mar UNESCO Special Event at UN
On 11 March, World Harmony team members attended the UNESCO event at the
UN in NY to mark the conclusion of 2010 International Year for the
Rapprochement of Cultures IYRC, which was dedicated to bridging the gulf
between the world's various cultures and was supported by WHR in runs
through many countries throughout the year.)
The Forum: "BUILDING PEACE: RECONCILIATION THROUGH THE POWER OF EDUCATION, HE SCIENCES, CULTURE AND COMMUNICATION" was organized on the occasion of the meeting of the UNESCO High Panel on Peace and Dialogue among Cultures, and also marked the conclusion of the 2010 International Year for the Rapprochement of Cultures and the Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the World (2001-2010).
There were over 20 panel members and many additional audience members had opportunities to ask questions and offer short statements.
Mr.Ban Ki-moon, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, said that "Bridges were built that I hope will be reinforced in the years ahead ...the imperative remains: building a sustainable future underpinned by human solidarity and universal values."
The closing ceremonies coincided with a meeting of the High Panel on
Peace and Dialogue among Cultures, set up last year by UNESCO
Director-General Irina Bokova to chart new avenues for peace and promote
cultural diversity in a globalized world.
"Reconciliation is one of the great challenges of this early century,"
Ms. Bokova told the closing ceremony. "We must work against forces that
fragment human society and strengthen values and aspirations that are
common to all.
These statement brought to mind a similar forward looking theme in the message received by WHR in January from the President of the UNESCO General Conference, Davidson Hepburn. A video excerpt of the message had recently become available http://www.worldharmonyrun.org/beyond2011 and on youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j--SW_eMzb0
One member of the High level panel is former Portuguese President Jorge
Sampaio, Mr. Ban's High Representative for the Alliance of
Civilizations, an initiative launched in 2005 by Spain and Turkey under
UN auspices to promote better cross-cultural relations worldwide. Mr.
Sampaio highlighted cooperation, partnership and coordination as key to
progress on rapprochement He said. "We should consolidate and work
together to reconcile cultural diversity and social cohesion. "Cultural
diversity should be seen as a resource for sustainable development," he
added, stressing the role youth has to play on the issue. More at: http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=37747
One of the most striking things about this event were the number of
different people who came together from so many different organizations
which share similar goals of the World Harmony Run. They all strive in
so many different and unique ways to ultimately bring more sustainable
peace and harmony to the world.
Below we also provide :
A. Programme for marking Conclusion IYRC and First Decade for a Culture of Peace - with bios

Program available to participants attending event gives some additional background, a longer message by the Director General of UNESCO and photos with biographical information on some other panel members.
B. Some short statements from informal notes of the meeting and cell photos from conference room.

(These quick impressionistic notes touch on a few of many ideas and sentiments expressed). Links to be added as other reports become available.
C. Legacies of Peace of Dr. Robert G. Muller (1923 - 2010); former UN Assistant S-G, Chancellor University for Peace

Midday Programme 21 mar 2011 in honour and Memory of Dr. Robert G. Muller (1923 - 2010), former Assistant S-G, Chancellor of the University for Peace. WHR members attended and the founder of the run, Sri Chinmoy's songs in Honour of Dr. Muller performed.
D. Special World Harmony Run Events, Messages, Videos and Examples during IYRC

Examples of events during IYRC, Special messages and utube videos, Highlights of a few Special All day events such as: Hungry - in May; USA - Chicago, Asia-European conclusion in Moscow; Adventure in Zambia; New York 20 Summer Camps...
You can send a message to the runners or read the messages.
< USA 21 Feb |
USA 19 March > |